Source code for category_theory.functor

import typing

from .core import Functor
from .operations import is_nothing

a = typing.TypeVar("a")
b = typing.TypeVar("b")

[docs] class List(Functor[a]): def __init__(self, value: typing.List[a]) -> None: self.value = value
[docs] def map(self, func: typing.Callable[[a], b]) -> "List[b]": r""" Lets suppose the functor is a `List` and `a` is `int`, so that we have a list of integers. Then one possible :math:`f` could be .. math:: f : \text{int} \mapsto \text{bool} f(x) = \begin{cases} \text{True, if } x | 2, \\ \text{False, if } x \nmid 2. \end{cases} In other :math:`f` is the function better known as *is_even*. If The list is given by .. code:: >> F = List([1, 2, 3, 3]) then .. code:: >> f = lambda x : x % 2 == 0 >> List([False, True, False, True]) Returns ------- List[b] A new list after applying the map """ return List(list(map(func, self.value)))
[docs] class Maybe(Functor[a]): """About maybe"""
[docs] class Just(Maybe[a]): def __init__(self, value: a) -> None: super().__init__(value)
[docs] def map(self, func: typing.Callable[[a], b]) -> "Just[b]": return Just(func(self.value))
class _Nothing(Maybe[a]): def __init__(self, value: None = None) -> None: super().__init__(value) def map(self, func: typing.Callable[[a], b]) -> "Maybe[b]": return Nothing Nothing: Maybe[typing.Any] = _Nothing()
[docs] def maybe(value: a) -> Maybe[a]: if is_nothing(value): return Nothing return Just(value)