Source code for category_theory.monoid
import typing
from .core import CommutativeMonoid
from .core import Monoid
class String(Monoid[str]):
"""Monoid whose values are strings.
Binary operation is string concatenation
and identity element being the empty string
def e() -> "String":
return String("")
def __add__(self, other: "String") -> "String":
return String(self.value + other.value)
class IntPlus(CommutativeMonoid[int]):
"""Monoid whose values are integers.
Binary operation is the plus operation
and identity element is 0
def e() -> "IntPlus":
return IntPlus(0)
def __add__(self, other: "IntPlus") -> "IntPlus":
return IntPlus(self.value + other.value)
class IntProd(CommutativeMonoid[int]):
"""Monoid whose values are integers.
Binary operation is the multiplication operation
and identity element is 1
def e() -> "IntProd":
return IntProd(1)
def __add__(self, other: "IntProd") -> "IntProd":
return IntProd(self.value * other.value)
class MaybeIntPlus(CommutativeMonoid[typing.Optional[int]]):
"""Monoid whose values are maybe integers.
This means that the value can be int or None.
Binary operation is the plus operation is the
value is of type int and returns None otherwise.
Identity element is MaybeIntPlus(0)
def e() -> "MaybeIntPlus":
return MaybeIntPlus(0)
def __add__(self, other: "MaybeIntPlus") -> "MaybeIntPlus":
if self.value is None:
return MaybeIntPlus(None)
if other.value is None:
return MaybeIntPlus(None)
return MaybeIntPlus(self.value + other.value)
class MaybeIntProd(CommutativeMonoid[typing.Optional[int]]):
"""Monoid whose values are maybe integers.
This means that the value can be int or None.
Binary operation is the multiplication operation is the
value is of type int and returns None otherwise.
Identity element is MaybeIntProd(1)
def e() -> "MaybeIntProd":
return MaybeIntProd(1)
def __add__(self, other: "MaybeIntProd") -> "MaybeIntProd":
if self.value is None:
return MaybeIntProd(None)
if other.value is None:
return MaybeIntProd(None)
return MaybeIntProd(self.value * other.value)
class Any(CommutativeMonoid[bool]):
def e() -> "Any":
return Any(False)
def __add__(self, other: "Any") -> "Any":
return Any(self.value or other.value)
class All(CommutativeMonoid[bool]):
def e() -> "All":
return All(True)
def __add__(self, other: "All") -> "All":
return All(self.value and other.value)