Source code for gotran.codegeneration.codecomponent

# Copyright (C) 2013 Johan Hake
# This file is part of Gotran.
# Gotran is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Gotran is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Gotran. If not, see <>.

__all__ = ["CodeComponent"]

# System imports
from collections import OrderedDict, deque, defaultdict
from sympy.core.function import AppliedUndef
import sys
from functools import cmp_to_key

# ModelParameters imports
from modelparameters.sympytools import sp
from modelparameters.codegeneration import sympycode

# Local imports
from gotran.common import error, info, debug, check_arg, check_kwarg, \
     scalars, Timer, warning, tuplewrap, parameters
from gotran.model.odeobjects import State, Parameter, IndexedObject, Comment, cmp
from gotran.model.expressions import *
from gotran.model.odecomponent import ODEComponent
from gotran.model.ode import ODE

#FIXME: Remove our own cse, or move to this module?
from gotran.codegeneration.sympy_cse import cse
#from sympy import cse

[docs]class CodeComponent(ODEComponent): """ A wrapper class around an ODE. Its primary purpose is to help generate code. The class alows extraction and manipulation of the ODE expressions. """
[docs] @staticmethod def default_parameters(): """ Return the default parameters for code generation """ return parameters.generation.code.copy()
def __init__(self, name, ode, function_name, description, params=None, use_default_arguments=True, additional_arguments=None, **results): """ Creates a CodeComponent Arguments --------- name : str The name of the component. This str serves as the unique identifier of the Component. ode : gotran.ODE The parent component which need to be a ODE function_name : str The name of the generated function description : str A short description of what the code component are computing params : dict Parameters determining how the code should be generated use_default_arguments : bool If true state, time and parameters are expected to be used in the code component additional_arguments : list A list of str for additional arguments included in the signature. results : kwargs A dict of result expressions. The result expressions will be used to extract the body expressions for the code component. """ params = params or {} additional_arguments = additional_arguments or [] check_arg(ode, ODE) check_arg(name, str) check_arg(description, str) check_arg(function_name, str) check_kwarg(params, "params", dict) check_kwarg(use_default_arguments, "use_default_arguments", bool) check_kwarg(additional_arguments, "additional_arguments", list) super(CodeComponent, self).__init__(name, ode) # Turn off magic attributes, see ODEComponent.__setattr__ # method self._allow_magic_attributes = False for result_name, result_expressions in list(results.items()): check_kwarg(result_expressions, result_name, list, \ itemtypes=(Expression, Comment)) # Store parameters self._params = self.default_parameters() self._params.update(params) # Store function name and description self.function_name = function_name self.description = description # Shapes for any indexed expressions or objects self.shapes = OrderedDict() # A map between expressions and recreated IndexedExpressions self.indexed_map = OrderedDict() # Init parameter or state replace dict if use_default_arguments: self.param_state_replace_dict = self._init_param_state_replace_dict() else: self.param_state_replace_dict = {} self.results = list(results.keys()) # Recreate body expressions based on the given result_expressions if results: results, body_expressions = self._body_from_results(**results) self.body_expressions = self._recreate_body(\ body_expressions, **results) else: self.body_expressions = [] # Store for later usage self.use_default_arguments = use_default_arguments self.additional_arguments = additional_arguments
[docs] def add_indexed_expression(self, basename, indices, expr, add_offset=False, dependent=None): """ Add an indexed expression using a basename and the indices Arguments --------- basename : str The basename of the indexed expression indices : int, tuple of int The fixed indices identifying the expression expr : sympy.Basic, scalar The expression. add_offset : bool Add offset to indices dependent : gotran.ODEObject If given the count of this expression will follow as a fractional count based on the count of the dependent object """ # Create an IndexedExpression in the present component timer = Timer("Add indexed expression") indices = tuplewrap(indices) # Check that provided indices fit with the registered shape if len(self.shapes[basename]) > len(indices): error("Shape missmatch between indices {0} and registered "\ "shape for {1}{2}".format(indices, basename, self.shapes[basename])) for dim, (index, shape_ind) in enumerate(zip(indices, self.shapes[basename])): if index >= shape_ind: error("Indices must be smaller or equal to the shape. Missmatch "\ "in dim {0}: {1}>={2}".format(dim+1, index, shape_ind)) # Create the indexed expression expr = IndexedExpression(basename, indices, expr, self.shapes[basename], \ self._params.array, add_offset, dependent) self._register_component_object(expr, dependent) return expr.sym
[docs] def add_indexed_object(self, basename, indices, add_offset=False): """ Add an indexed object using a basename and the indices Arguments --------- basename : str The basename of the indexed expression indices : int, tuple of int The fixed indices identifying the expression add_offset : bool Add offset to indices """ timer = Timer("Add indexed object") indices = tuplewrap(indices) # Check that provided indices fit with the registered shape if len(self.shapes[basename]) > len(indices): error("Shape missmatch between indices {0} and registered "\ "shape for {1}{2}".format(indices, basename, self.shapes[basename])) for dim, (index, shape_ind) in enumerate(zip(indices, self.shapes[basename])): if index >= shape_ind: error("Indices must be smaller or equal to the shape. Missmatch "\ "in dim {0}: {1}>={2}".format(dim+1, index, shape_ind)) # Create IndexedObject obj = IndexedObject(basename, indices, self.shapes[basename], \ self._params.array, add_offset) self._register_component_object(obj) # Return the sympy version of the object return obj.sym
[docs] def indexed_objects(self, *basenames): """ Return a list of all indexed objects with the given basename, if no base names give all indexed objects are returned """ if not basenames: basenames = list(self.shapes.keys()) return [obj for obj in self.ode_objects if isinstance(\ obj, IndexedObject) and obj.basename in basenames]
def _init_param_state_replace_dict(self): """ Create a parameter state replace dict based on the values in the global parameters """ param_state_replace_dict = {} array_params = self._params["array"] param_repr = self._params["parameters"]["representation"] param_name = self._params["parameters"]["array_name"] param_offset = self._params["parameters"]["add_offset"] field_param_name = self._params["parameters"]["field_array_name"] field_param_offset = self._params["parameters"]["add_field_offset"] field_parameters = self._params["parameters"]["field_parameters"] # If empty # FIXME: Get rid of this by introducing a ListParam type in modelparameters if len(field_parameters) == 1 and field_parameters[0] == "": field_parameters = [] for param in field_parameters: if not isinstance(self.root.present_ode_objects[param], Parameter): error("Field parameter '{0}' is not a parameter in the "\ "'{1}'".format(param, oself.root)) state_repr = self._params["states"]["representation"] state_name = self._params["states"]["array_name"] state_offset = self._params["states"]["add_offset"] time_name = self._params["time"]["name"] dt_name = self._params["dt"]["name"] # Create a map between states, parameters and the corresponding # IndexedObjects param_state_map = OrderedDict([("states", OrderedDict()), ("parameters", OrderedDict())]) # Add states states = param_state_map["states"] for ind, state in enumerate(self.root.full_states): states[state] = IndexedObject(state_name, ind, \ (self.root.num_full_states,), array_params, state_offset) # Add parameters parameters = param_state_map["parameters"] for ind, param in enumerate(self.root.parameters): if in field_parameters: basename = field_param_name index = field_parameters.index( shape = (len(field_parameters),) offset = field_param_offset else: basename = param_name index = ind shape = (self.num_parameters,) offset = param_offset parameters[param] = IndexedObject(basename, index, \ shape, array_params, offset) # If not having named parameters if param_repr == "numerals": param_state_replace_dict.update((param.sym, param.init) for \ param in self.root.parameters) elif param_repr == "array": self.shapes[param_name] = (self.root.num_parameters,) if field_parameters: self.shapes["field_"+param_name] = (len(field_parameters),) param_state_replace_dict.update((param.sym, indexed.sym) \ for param, indexed in \ list(param_state_map["parameters"].items())) if state_repr == "array": self.shapes[state_name] = (self.root.num_full_states,) param_state_replace_dict.update((state.sym, indexed.sym) \ for state, indexed in \ list(param_state_map["states"].items())) param_state_replace_dict[self.root._time.sym] = sp.Symbol(time_name) param_state_replace_dict[self.root._dt.sym] = sp.Symbol(dt_name) self.indexed_map.update(param_state_map) # return dicts return param_state_replace_dict def _body_from_results(self, **results): """ Returns a sorted list of body expressions all used in the result expressions """ # Store results self.results = list(results.keys()) if not results: return {}, [] # Check if we are using common sub expressions for body if self._params["body"]["use_cse"]: return self._body_from_cse(**results) else: return self._body_from_dependencies(**results) def _expanded_result_expressions(self, **results): # Extract all result expressions orig_result_expressions = sum(list(results.values()), []) # A map between result expression and result name result_names = dict((result_expr, result_name) for \ result_name, result_exprs in list(results.items()) \ for result_expr in result_exprs) # The expanded result expressions expanded_result_exprs = [self.root.expanded_expression(obj) \ for obj in orig_result_expressions] # Set shape for result expressions for result_name, result_expressions in list(results.items()): if result_name not in self.shapes: self.shapes[result_name] = (len(result_expressions),) return orig_result_expressions, result_names, expanded_result_exprs def _only_result_expressions(self, **results): orig_result_expressions, result_names, expanded_result_exprs = \ self._expanded_result_expressions(**results) body_expressions = [] new_results = defaultdict(list) def _body_from_cse(self, **results): timer = Timer("Compute common sub expressions for {0}".format( orig_result_expressions, result_names, expanded_result_exprs = \ self._expanded_result_expressions(**results) state_offset = self._params["states"]["add_offset"] # Collect results and body_expressions body_expressions = [] new_results = defaultdict(list) might_take_time = len(orig_result_expressions) >= 40 if might_take_time: info("Computing common sub expressions for {0}. Might take "\ "some time...".format( sys.stdout.flush() # Call sympy common sub expression reduction cse_exprs, cse_result_exprs = cse(expanded_result_exprs,\ symbols=sp.numbered_symbols("cse_"),\ optimizations=[]) # Map the cse_expr to an OrderedDict cse_exprs = OrderedDict(cse_expr for cse_expr in cse_exprs) # Extract the symbols into a set for fast comparison cse_syms = set((sym for sym in cse_exprs)) # Create maps between cse_expr and result expressions trying # to optimized the code by weaving in the result expressions # in between the cse_expr # A map between result expr and name and indices so we can # construct IndexedExpressions result_expr_map = defaultdict(list) # A map between last cse_expr used in a particular result expr # so that we can put the result expression right after the # last cse_expr it uses. last_cse_expr_used_in_result_expr = defaultdict(list) # A map between replaced cse_sym and result_expressions cse_sym_to_result_expr = {} # Result expressions that does not contain any cse_sym result_expr_without_cse_syms = [] # A map between cse_sym and its substitutes cse_subs = {} for ind, (orig_result_expr, result_expr) in \ enumerate(zip(orig_result_expressions, cse_result_exprs)): # Collect information so that we can recreate the result # expression from result_expr_map[result_expr].append((\ result_names[orig_result_expr], orig_result_expr.indices \ if isinstance(orig_result_expr, IndexedExpression) else ind)) # If result_expr does not contain any cse_sym if not any(cse_sym in cse_syms for cse_sym in result_expr.atoms()): result_expr_without_cse_syms.append(result_expr) else: # Get last cse_sym used in result expression last_cse_sym = sorted((cse_sym for cse_sym in result_expr.atoms() \ if cse_sym in cse_syms), \ key=cmp_to_key(lambda a,b : cmp(int([4:]), \ int([4:]))))[-1] if result_expr not in \ last_cse_expr_used_in_result_expr[last_cse_sym]: last_cse_expr_used_in_result_expr[\ last_cse_sym].append(result_expr) debug("Found {0} result expressions without any cse_syms.".format(\ len(result_expr_without_cse_syms))) #print "" #print "LAST cse_syms:", last_cse_expr_used_in_result_expr.keys() cse_cnt = 0 atoms = [state.sym for state in self.root.full_states] atoms.extend(param.sym for param in self.root.parameters) # Collecte what states and parameters has been used used_states = set() used_parameters = set() self.add_comment("Common sub expressions for the body and the "\ "result expressions") body_expressions.append(self.ode_objects[-1]) # Register the common sub expressions as Intermediates for cse_sym, expr in list(cse_exprs.items()): #print cse_sym, expr # If the expression is just one of the atoms of the ODE we # skip the cse expressions but add a subs for the atom We # also skip Relationals and Piecewise as the type checking # in Piecewise otherwise kicks in and destroys things for # us. if expr in atoms or isinstance(expr, (\ sp.Piecewise, sp.relational.Relational, sp.relational.Boolean)): cse_subs[cse_sym] = expr.xreplace(cse_subs) else: # Add body expression as an intermediate expression sym = self.add_intermediate("cse_{0}".format(\ cse_cnt), expr.xreplace(cse_subs)) obj = self.ode_objects.get(sympycode(sym)) for dep in self.root.expression_dependencies[obj]: if isinstance(dep, State): used_states.add(dep) elif isinstance(dep, Parameter): used_parameters.add(dep) cse_subs[cse_sym] = sym cse_cnt += 1 body_expressions.append(obj) # Check if we should add a result expressions if last_cse_expr_used_in_result_expr[cse_sym]: # Iterate over all registered result expr for this cse_sym for result_expr in last_cse_expr_used_in_result_expr.pop(cse_sym): for result_name, indices in result_expr_map[result_expr]: # Replace pure state and param expressions #print cse_subs, result_expr exp_expr = result_expr.xreplace(cse_subs) sym = self.add_indexed_expression(\ result_name, indices, exp_expr, add_offset=state_offset) expr = self.ode_objects.get(sympycode(sym)) for dep in self.root.expression_dependencies[expr]: if isinstance(dep, State): used_states.add(dep) elif isinstance(dep, Parameter): used_parameters.add(dep) # Register the new result expression new_results[result_name].append(expr) body_expressions.append(expr) if might_take_time: info(" done") # Sort used state, parameters and expr self.used_states = sorted(used_states) self.used_parameters = sorted(used_parameters) return new_results, body_expressions def _body_from_dependencies(self, **results): timer = Timer("Compute dependencies for {0}".format( # Extract all result expressions result_expressions = sum(list(results.values()), []) # Check passed expressions ode_expr_deps = self.root.expression_dependencies exprs = set(result_expressions) not_checked = set() used_states = set() used_parameters = set() exprs_not_in_body = [] for expr in result_expressions: check_arg(expr, (Expression, Comment), \ context=CodeComponent._body_from_results) if isinstance(expr, Comment): continue # Collect dependencies for obj in ode_expr_deps[expr]: if isinstance(obj, (Expression, Comment)): not_checked.add(obj) elif isinstance(obj, State): used_states.add(obj) elif isinstance(obj, Parameter): used_parameters.add(obj) # Collect all dependencies while not_checked: dep_expr = not_checked.pop() exprs.add(dep_expr) for obj in ode_expr_deps[dep_expr]: if isinstance(obj, (Expression, Comment)): if obj not in exprs: not_checked.add(obj) elif isinstance(obj, State): used_states.add(obj) elif isinstance(obj, Parameter): used_parameters.add(obj) # Sort used state, parameters and expr self.used_states = sorted(used_states) self.used_parameters = sorted(used_parameters) # Return a sorted list of all collected expressions return results, sorted(exprs) def _recreate_body(self, body_expressions, **results): """ Create body expressions based on the given result_expressions In this method are all expressions replaced with something that should be used to generate code. The parameters in: parameters["generation"]["code"] decides how parameters, states, body expressions and indexed expressions are represented. """ if not (results or body_expressions): return for result_name, result_expressions in list(results.items()): check_kwarg(result_expressions, result_name, list, \ context=CodeComponent._recreate_body, \ itemtypes=(Expression, Comment)) # Extract all result expressions result_expressions = sum(list(results.values()), []) # A map between result expression and result name result_names = dict((result_expr, result_name) for \ result_name, result_exprs in list(results.items()) \ for result_expr in result_exprs) timer = Timer("Recreate body expressions for {0}".format( # Initialize the replace_dictionaries replace_dict = self.param_state_replace_dict der_replace_dict = {} # Get a copy of the map of where objects are used in and their # present dependencies so any updates done in these dictionaries does not # affect the original dicts object_used_in = defaultdict(set) for expr, used in list(self.root.object_used_in.items()): object_used_in[expr].update(used) expression_dependencies = defaultdict(set) for expr, deps in list(self.root.expression_dependencies.items()): expression_dependencies[expr].update(deps) # Get body parameters body_repr = self._params["body"]["representation"] optimize_exprs = self._params["body"]["optimize_exprs"] # Set body related variables if the body should be represented by an array if "array" in body_repr: body_name = self._params["body"]["array_name"] available_indices = deque() body_indices = [] max_index = -1 body_ind = 0 index_available_at = defaultdict(list) if body_name == result_name: error("body and result cannot have the same name.") # Initiate shapes with inf self.shapes[body_name] = (float("inf"),) # Iterate over body expressions and recreate the different expressions # according to state, parameters, body and result expressions replaced_expr_map = OrderedDict() new_body_expressions = [] present_ode_objects = dict((, state) for state in self.root.full_states) present_ode_objects.update((, param) for param in self.root.parameters) old_present_ode_objects = present_ode_objects.copy() def store_expressions(expr, new_expr): "Help function to store new expressions" timer = Timer("Store expression while recreating body of {}".format(\ # Update sym replace dict if isinstance(expr, Derivatives): der_replace_dict[expr.sym] = new_expr.sym else: replace_dict[expr.sym] = new_expr.sym # Store the new expression for later references present_ode_objects[] = new_expr replaced_expr_map[expr] = new_expr # Append the new expression new_body_expressions.append(new_expr) # Update dependency information if expr in object_used_in: for dep in object_used_in[expr]: if dep in expression_dependencies: expression_dependencies[dep].remove(expr) expression_dependencies[dep].add(new_expr) object_used_in[new_expr] = object_used_in.pop(expr) if expr in expression_dependencies: expression_dependencies[new_expr] = expression_dependencies.pop(\ expr) self.add_comment("Recreated body expressions") # The main iteration over all body_expressions for expr in body_expressions: # 1) Comments if isinstance(expr, Comment): new_body_expressions.append(expr) continue assert(isinstance(expr, Expression)) # 2) Check for expression optimzations if not (optimize_exprs == "none" or expr in result_expressions): timer_opt = Timer("Handle expression optimization for {0}".format( # If expr is just a number we exchange the expression with the # number if "numerals" in optimize_exprs and \ isinstance(expr.expr, sp.Number): replace_dict[expr.sym] = expr.expr # Remove information about this expr beeing used for dep in object_used_in[expr]: expression_dependencies[dep].remove(expr) object_used_in.pop(expr) continue # If the expr is just a symbol (symbol multiplied with a scalar) # we exchange the expression with the sympy expressions elif "symbols" in optimize_exprs and \ (isinstance(expr.expr, (sp.Symbol, AppliedUndef)) or \ isinstance(expr.expr, sp.Mul) and len(expr.expr.args)==2 and \ isinstance(expr.expr.args[1], (sp.Symbol, AppliedUndef)) and \ expr.expr.args[0].is_number): # Add a replace rule based on the stored sympy expression sympy_expr = expr.expr.xreplace(der_replace_dict).xreplace(\ replace_dict) if isinstance(expr.sym, sp.Derivative): der_replace_dict[expr.sym] = sympy_expr else: replace_dict[expr.sym] = sympy_expr # Get exchanged repr if isinstance(expr.expr, (sp.Symbol, AppliedUndef)): name = sympycode(expr.expr) else: name = sympycode(expr.expr.args[1]) dep_expr = present_ode_objects[name] # If using reused body expressions we need to update the # index information so that the index previously available # for this expressions gets available at the last expressions # the present expression is used in. if isinstance(dep_expr, IndexedExpression) and \ dep_expr.basename == body_name and "reused" in body_repr: ind = dep_expr.indices[0] # Remove available index information dep_used_in = sorted(object_used_in[dep_expr]) for used_expr in dep_used_in: if ind in index_available_at[used_expr]: index_available_at[used_expr].remove(ind) # Update with new indices all_used_in = object_used_in[expr].copy() all_used_in.update(dep_used_in) for used_expr in sorted(all_used_in, reverse=True): if used_expr in body_expressions: index_available_at[used_expr].append(ind) break # Update information about this expr beeing used for dep in object_used_in[expr]: expression_dependencies[dep].remove(expr) expression_dependencies[dep].add(dep_expr) object_used_in.pop(expr) continue del timer_opt # 3) General operations for all Expressions that are kept # Before we process the expression we check if any indices gets # available with the expr (Only applies for the "reused" option for # body_repr.) if "reused" in body_repr: # Check if any indices are available at this expression ind available_indices.extend(index_available_at[expr]) # Store a map of old name this will preserve the ordering of # expressions with the same name, similar to how this is treated in # the actuall ODE. present_ode_objects[] = expr old_present_ode_objects[] = expr # 4) Handle result expression if expr in result_expressions: timer_result = Timer("Handle result expressions for {0}".format( # Get the result name result_name = result_names[expr] # If the expression is an IndexedExpression with the same basename # as the result name we just recreate it if isinstance(expr, IndexedExpression) and \ result_name == expr.basename: new_expr = recreate_expression(expr, der_replace_dict, \ replace_dict) # Not an indexed expression else: # Get index based on the original ordering index = (result_expressions.index(expr),) # Create the IndexedExpression # NOTE: First replace any derivative expression replaces, then state and # NOTE: params new_expr = IndexedExpression(result_name, index, expr.expr.\ xreplace(der_replace_dict).\ xreplace(replace_dict), \ (len(results[result_name]), ), array_params=self._params.array) if new_expr.basename not in self.indexed_map: self.indexed_map[new_expr.basename] = OrderedDict() self.indexed_map[new_expr.basename][expr] = new_expr # Copy counter from old expression so it sort properly new_expr._recount(expr._count) # Store the expressions store_expressions(expr, new_expr) del timer_result # 4) Handle indexed expression # All indexed expressions are just kept but recreated with updated # sympy expressions elif isinstance(expr, IndexedExpression): timer_indexed = Timer("Handle indexed expressions for {0}".format( new_expr = recreate_expression(expr, der_replace_dict, \ replace_dict) # Store the expressions store_expressions(expr, new_expr) del timer_indexed # 5) If replacing all body exressions with an indexed expression elif "array" in body_repr: timer_body = Timer("Handle body expressions for {0}".format( # 5a) If we reuse array indices if "reused" in body_repr: if available_indices: ind = available_indices.popleft() else: max_index += 1 ind = max_index # Check when present ind gets available again for used_expr in sorted(object_used_in[expr], reverse=True): if used_expr in body_expressions: index_available_at[used_expr].append(ind) break else: warning("SHOULD NOT COME HERE!") # 5b) No reuse of array indices. Here each index corresponds to # a distinct body expression else: ind = body_ind # Increase body_ind body_ind += 1 # Create the IndexedExpression new_expr = IndexedExpression(body_name, ind, expr.expr.\ xreplace(der_replace_dict).\ xreplace(replace_dict), array_params=self._params.array) if body_name not in self.indexed_map: self.indexed_map[body_name] = OrderedDict() self.indexed_map[body_name][expr] = new_expr # Copy counter from old expression so they sort properly new_expr._recount(expr._count) # Store the expressions store_expressions(expr, new_expr) del timer_body # 6) If the expression is just and ordinary body expression and we # are using named representation of body else: timer_expr = Timer("Handle expressions for {0}".format( # If the expression is a state derivative we need to add a # replacement for the Derivative symbol if isinstance(expr, StateDerivative): new_expr = Intermediate(sympycode(expr.sym), expr.expr.\ xreplace(der_replace_dict).\ xreplace(replace_dict)) new_expr._recount(expr._count) else: new_expr = recreate_expression(expr, der_replace_dict, \ replace_dict) del timer_expr # Store the expressions store_expressions(expr, new_expr) # Store indices for any added arrays if "reused_array" == body_repr: if max_index > -1: self.shapes[body_name] = (max_index+1,) else: self.shapes.pop(body_name) elif "array" == body_repr: if body_ind > 0: self.shapes[body_name] = (body_ind,) else: self.shapes.pop(body_name) # Store the shape of the added result expressions for result_name, result_expressions in list(results.items()): if result_name not in self.shapes: self.shapes[result_name] = (len(result_expressions),) return new_body_expressions