Source code for gotran.codegeneration.latexcodegenerator

# Copyright (C) 2014 George Bahij / Johan Hake
# This file is part of Gotran.
# Gotran is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Gotran is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Gotran. If not, see <>.

# System imports
import re

# Gotran imports
from gotran.common import warning
from gotran.model.odeobjects import SingleODEObjects
from gotran.model.expressions import Expression, StateDerivative

# Model parameters imports
from modelparameters.codegeneration import latex as mp_latex
from modelparameters.parameters import Param, ScalarParam, ArrayParam
from modelparameters.parameterdict import ParameterDict

# Other imports
import string
from io import StringIO
import sympy
import tokenize

__all__ = ["LatexCodeGenerator"]

# Latex templates
_global_opts = """\\setkeys{{breqn}}{{breakdepth={{1}}}}

_latex_template = """\\documentclass[a4paper,{FONTSIZE}pt]{{article}}



_param_table_template = """
% ---------------- BEGIN PARAMETERS ---------------- %

\\begin{{longtabu}}{{| l l {PDESCCELLSTYLE} |}}
\\caption[Parameter Table]{{\\textbf{{Parameter Table}}}}\\\\
\\multicolumn{{1}}{{|c}}{{\\textbf{{Parameter\\hspace{{0.5cm}}}}}} &
\\multicolumn{{1}}{{c}}{{\\textbf{{Value\\hspace{{0.5cm}}}}}} &
\\multicolumn{{1}}{{c|}}{{\\textbf{{Description\\hspace{{0.5cm}}}}}}\\\\ \\hline
{{{{\\bfseries\\tablename\\ \\thetable{{}} --- continued from previous page}}}}
\\\\ \hline
\\multicolumn{{1}}{{|c}}{{\\textbf{{Parameter\\hspace{{0.5cm}}}}}} &
\\multicolumn{{1}}{{c}}{{\\textbf{{Value\\hspace{{0.5cm}}}}}} &
\\multicolumn{{1}}{{c|}}{{\\textbf{{Description\\hspace{{0.5cm}}}}}}\\\\ \\hline
\\multicolumn{{3}}{{|r|}}{{{{Continued on next page}}}}\\\\ \\hline
\\hline \\hline

% ----------------- END PARAMETERS ----------------- %

_state_table_template = """
% ---------------- BEGIN STATES ---------------- %

\\{SECTIONTYPE}*{{Initial Values}}\n
\\begin{{longtabu}}{{| l l {SDESCCELLSTYLE} |}}
\\caption[State Table]{{\\textbf{{State Table}}}}\\\\
\\multicolumn{{1}}{{|c}}{{\\textbf{{State\\hspace{{0.5cm}}}}}} &
\\multicolumn{{1}}{{c}}{{\\textbf{{Value\\hspace{{0.5cm}}}}}} &
\\multicolumn{{1}}{{c|}}{{\\textbf{{Description\\hspace{{0.5cm}}}}}}\\\\ \\hline
{{{{\\bfseries\\tablename\\ \\thetable{{}} --- continued from previous page}}}}
\\\\ \hline
\\multicolumn{{1}}{{|c}}{{\\textbf{{State\\hspace{{0.5cm}}}}}} &
\\multicolumn{{1}}{{c}}{{\\textbf{{Value\\hspace{{0.5cm}}}}}} &
\\multicolumn{{1}}{{c|}}{{\\textbf{{Description\\hspace{{0.5cm}}}}}}\\\\ \\hline
\\multicolumn{{3}}{{|r|}}{{{{Continued on next page}}}}\\\\ \\hline
\\hline \\hline

% ----------------- END STATES ----------------- %

_components_template = """
% ---------------- BEGIN COMPONENTS ---------------- %


% ----------------- END COMPONENTS ----------------- %

_greek = 'alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta eta theta iota kappa lamda '\
    'mu nu xi omicron pi rho sigma tau upsilon phi chi psi omega'.split(' ')

def _default_latex_params():
    Initializes default parameters.

    params = dict()

    # Specify output file
    params["output"] = Param(
        "", description="Specify LaTeX output file")

    # Set number of columns per page
    # FIXME: ScalarParam might cause parse_args() to crash due to non-ASCII
    # symbols.
    # params["page_columns"] = ScalarParam(
    #     1, ge=1, description="Set number of columns per page in "
    #     "LaTeX document")
    params["page_columns"] = Param(
        1, description="Set number of columns per page in "
        "LaTeX document")

    # Set equation font size
    # FIXME: ScalarParam might cause parse_args() to crash due to non-ASCII
    # symbols.
    # params["font_size"] = ScalarParam(
    #     10, ge=1, description="Set global font size for LaTeX document")
    params["font_size"] = Param(
        10.0, description="Set global font size for LaTeX document")

    # Set font size for mathematical expressions.
    # FIXME: ScalarParam might cause parse_args() to crash due to non-ASCII
    # symbols.
    #params["math_font_size"] = ScalarParam(
    #    1, ge=1, description="Set font size for mathematical "
    #    "expressions in LaTeX document. Uses global font size if left "
    #    "blank")
    params["math_font_size"] = Param(
        0.0, description="Set font size for mathematical expressions in "
        "LaTeX document. Uses global font size if left blank")

    # Toggle bold equation labels
    params["bold_equation_labels"] = Param(
        True, description="Give equation labels a bold typeface in "
        "LaTeX document")

    # If set to False, does not generate the preamble
    params["preamble"] = Param(
        True, description="If set to False, LaTeX document will be "
        "be generated without the preamble")

    # If set to true, sets document to a landscape page layout
    params["landscape"] = Param(
        False, description="Set LaTeX document to landscape layout")

    # Latex separator between factors in products
    params["mul_symbol"] = Param(
        "dot", description="Multiplication symbol for Sympy LatexPrinter")

    # Flag to enable page numbers
    params["page_numbers"] = Param(
        True, description="Enable page numbers")

    # Flag to disable state table (currently unused)
    # params["no_state_descriptions"] = Param(
    #     False, description="Disable table column for state descriptions")

    # Flag to disable parameter table (currently unused)
    # params["no_parameter_descriptions"] = Param(
    #     False, description="Disable table column for parameter descriptions")

    # Set headline types for States, Parameters and Components
    params["section_type"] = Param(
        "section", description="Section type (e.g. 'section', 'subsection')")

    # Set page margins
    params["margins"] = Param(
        "", description="Set page margins (e.g. '0.75in'). Uses LaTeX "
        "defaults if left blank")

    # Set column seperator distance
    params["columnsep"] = Param(
        "", description="Set column separator distance (e.g. '0.25cm'). "
        "Uses LaTeX default if left blank")

    # Set column separator line width
    params["columnseprule"] = Param(
        "", description="Set column separator line width (e.g. '0.2pt'). "
        "Uses LaTeX default if left blank")

    # Flag to let the code generator attempt automatically converting
    # state and parameter names in descriptions to math-mode
    params["auto_format_description"] = Param(
        False, description="Automatically format state and parameter "

    # Flag to toggle numbering style for equations.
    params["equation_subnumbering"] = Param(
        True, description="Use component-wise equation subnumbering")

    params["parameter_description_cell_style"] = Param(
        "l", description="Set description cell type for the parameter table. " \
        "Use 'X' for long descriptions, or 'p{5cm}' to set a fixed 5 cm")

    params["state_description_cell_style"] = Param(
        "l", description="Set description cell type for the state table. " \
        "Use 'X' for long descriptions, or 'p{5cm}' to set a fixed 5 cm")

    # Return the ParameterDict
    return ParameterDict(**params)

[docs]class LatexCodeGenerator(object): packages = [("fullpage", ""), ("longtable,tabu", ""), ("multicol", ""), ("amsmath", ""), ("mathpazo", ""), ("flexisym", "[mathpazo]"), ("breqn", "")] print_settings = dict() def __init__(self, ode, params=None): self.ode = ode self._name = self.params = params if params else _default_latex_params() self.output_file = params.output or '{0}.tex'.format( # Verify valid multiplication symbol if self.params.mul_symbol in ("dot", "ldot", "times"): self.print_settings["mul_symbol"] = self.params.mul_symbol else: self.print_settings["mul_symbol"] = None if self.params.margins: self.packages.append(("geometry", '[margin='+self.params.margins+']'))
[docs] def generate(self, params=None): """ Generate a LaTeX-formatted document describing a Gotran ODE. """ params = params if params else self.params latex_output = "" global_opts = self.format_global_options(_global_opts) if not params.preamble: latex_output = self.generate_parameter_table() \ + self.generate_state_table() \ + self.generate_components() else: document_opts = self.format_options( override=["font_size", "landscape", "page_numbers"]) latex_output = _latex_template.format( FONTSIZE=params.font_size, PKGS=self.format_packages(self.packages), PREOPTS=global_opts, OPTS=document_opts["begin"], BODY=self.generate_parameter_table() + self.generate_state_table() + self.generate_components(), ENDOPTS=document_opts["end"]) return latex_output
[docs] def generate_parameter_table(self, params=None): """ Return a LaTeX-formatted string for a longtable describing the ODE's parameters. """ params = params if params else self.params param_str = "\\\\\n".join( self.format_param_table_row(par) for par in self.ode.parameters) param_table_opts = self.format_options(exclude=["page_columns"]) param_table_output = _param_table_template.format( SECTIONTYPE=params["section_type"], PDESCCELLSTYLE=params["parameter_description_cell_style"], OPTS=param_table_opts["begin"], BODY=param_str, ENDOPTS=param_table_opts["end"]) return param_table_output
[docs] def generate_state_table(self, params=None): """ Return a LaTeX-formatted string for a longtable describing the ode's states. """ params = params if params else self.params state_str = "\\\\\n".join( self.format_state_table_row(state) for state in self.ode.full_states) state_table_opts = self.format_options(exclude=["page_columns"]) state_table_output = _state_table_template.format( SECTIONTYPE=params["section_type"], SDESCCELLSTYLE=params["state_description_cell_style"], OPTS=state_table_opts["begin"], BODY=state_str, ENDOPTS=state_table_opts["end"]) return state_table_output
[docs] def generate_components(self, params=None): """ Return a LaTeX-formatted string of the ODE's derivative components and intermediate calculations. """ params = params if params else self.params components_str = "" comp_template = "{LABEL}\n\\label{{comp:{LABELID}}}\n" \ "\\begin{{dgroup{SUBNUM}}}\n" \ "{BODY}\\end{{dgroup{SUBNUM}}}\n" eqn_template = \ " \\begin{{dmath}}\n \\label{{eq:{0}}}\n" \ " {1} = {2}\\\\\n \\end{{dmath}}\n" subnumbering = '' if params["equation_subnumbering"] else '*' for comp in self.ode.components: if comp.rates: body = [obj for obj in comp.ode_objects \ if isinstance(obj, Expression) and \ not isinstance(obj, StateDerivative)] else: body = [obj for obj in comp.ode_objects \ if isinstance(obj, Expression)] if not body: continue format_label = self.format_component_label( label_id =' ', '_') format_body = "" # Iterate over all objects of the component for obj in body: format_body += eqn_template.format(, obj._repr_latex_name(), obj._repr_latex_expr()) components_str += comp_template.format(LABEL=format_label, LABELID=label_id, BODY=format_body, SUBNUM=subnumbering) components_opts = \ self.format_options(override=["page_columns", "math_font_size"]) components_output = _components_template.format( SECTIONTYPE=params["section_type"], OPTS=components_opts["begin"], BODY=components_str, ENDOPTS=components_opts["end"]) return components_output
[docs] def format_param_table_row(self, param): """ Return a LaTeX-formatted string for a longtable row describing a parameter. E.g.: >>> LatexCodeGenerator.format_param_table_row( ... Parameter("g_earth", ... ScalarParam(9.81, unit="m/s**2", ... description="Surface gravity")) ' $g_{earth}$\\hspace{0.5cm} & $9.81 \\mathrm{\\frac{m}{s^{2}}}$ \\hspace{0.5cm} & Surface gravity' """ return " ${NAME}$\\hspace{{0.5cm}} & {VAL}" \ "\\hspace{{0.5cm}} & {DESC}".format(\ NAME=self.format_expr(, VAL=param._repr_latex_(), DESC=self.format_description( param.param.description,
[docs] def format_state_table_row(self, state): """ Return a LaTeX-formatted string for a longtable row describing a state's initial value. E.g.: >>> LatexCodeGenerator.format_state_table_row("amu", ... "Atomic mass unit", 931.46, "MeV/c**2") ' $amu$\\hspace{0.5cm} & $931.46 \\mathrm{\\frac{MeV}{c^{2}}}$ \\hspace{0.5cm} & Atomic mass unit' """ return " ${NAME}$\\hspace{{0.5cm}} & {VAL}" \ "\\hspace{{0.5cm}} & {DESC}".format( NAME=self.format_expr(, VAL=state._repr_latex_(), DESC=self.format_description(state.param.description,
[docs] def format_component_label(self, label): """ Return a LaTeX-formatted string of an ODE component group label. """ label_opts = self.format_options(override=["bold_equation_labels"]) return "{0}{1}{2}\\\\".format(label_opts["begin"], label.replace("_", "\\_"), label_opts["end"])
[docs] def format_description(self, description, name): """ If auto-format flag is set, attempt to automatically format description, setting references to states and parameters in math mode. """ if not self.params["auto_format_description"]: return description + '\\hspace{0.5cm}' formatted_description = '' first = True for ttype, token, _, _, _ \ in tokenize.generate_tokens(StringIO(description).readline): if tokenize.ISEOF(ttype): break formatted_token = token mathmode = False if any([c in token for c in ('_', '^')]) or token == name: # or token in [ for state in self.ode.full_states] \ # or token in [ for par in self.ode.parameters]: mathmode = True if mathmode: for c in ('_', '^'): i = formatted_token.find(c) while i != -1: formatted_token = formatted_token[:i+1] \ + '{' + formatted_token[i+1:] + '}' i = formatted_token.find(c, i+1) formatted_token = '$' + formatted_token + '$' if token not in string.punctuation and not first: formatted_token = ' ' + formatted_token formatted_description += formatted_token first = False return formatted_description + '\\hspace{0.5cm}'
[docs] def format_options(self, exclude=None, override=None, params=None): """ Wrap options around a LaTeX string, excluding specified elements. If override is not empty, only those elements will be used, ignoring exclude. """ exclude = exclude if exclude and not override else [] override = override or [] opts = _default_latex_params() opts.update(params if params else self.params) begin_str = end_str = "" if opts.page_columns > 1 \ and (("page_columns" not in exclude and not override) or "page_columns" in override): begin_str = "\\begin{{multicols}}{{{0}}}\n".format( opts.page_columns) + begin_str end_str += "\\end{multicols}\n" # Non-standard options -- only include if specified in override: if "font_size" in override: begin_str = "{{\\fontsize{{{0}}}{{{1:.1f}}}\\selectfont\n".format( opts.font_size, opts.font_size*1.2) + begin_str end_str += "}% end fontsize\n" if "math_font_size" in override and opts.math_font_size: begin_str = "{{\\fontsize{{{0}}}{{{1:.1f}}}\n".format( opts.math_font_size, opts.math_font_size*1.2) + begin_str end_str += "}% end fontsize\n" if "bold_equation_labels" in override and opts.bold_equation_labels: begin_str = "\\textbf{" + begin_str end_str += "}" if "landscape" in override and opts.landscape: if not "pdflscape" in \ (package_name for package_name, _ in self.packages): self.packages.append(("pdflscape", "")) begin_str = "\\begin{landscape}\n" + begin_str end_str += "\\end{landscape}\n" if "page_numbers" in override and not opts.page_numbers: begin_str = "\\pagenumbering{gobble}\n" + begin_str return {"begin": begin_str, "end": end_str}
[docs] def format_global_options(self, option_template, params=None): """ Inject additional options into the global option template """ opts = _default_latex_params() opts.update(params if params else self.params) additional_options = list() if opts.columnsep: additional_options.append( "\\setlength{{\\columnsep}}{{{COLSEP}}}".format( COLSEP=opts.columnsep)) if opts.columnseprule: additional_options.append( "\\setlength{{\\columnseprule}}{{{COLSEPR}}}".format( COLSEPR=opts.columnseprule)) global_options = option_template.format( GLOBALOPTS='\n'.join(additional_options)) return global_options
[docs] def format_expr(self, expr): """ Return a LaTeX-formatted string for a sympy expression. E.g.: >>> LatexCodeGenerator.format_expr("exp(i*pi) + 1") 'e^{i \\pi} + 1' """ if isinstance(expr, str) and expr in _greek: return "\\{0}".format(expr) # Some values are treated as special cases by sympy.sympify. # Return these as they are. if isinstance(expr, str) and expr in \ [x for x in dir(sympy) if len(x) == 1]: return expr return mp_latex(sympy.sympify(expr), **self.print_settings)
[docs] def format_unit(self, unit): """ Return sympified and LaTeX-formatted string describing given unit. E.g.: >>> LatexCodeGenerator.format_unit("m/s**2") '\\mathrm{\\frac{m}{s^{2}}}' """ atomic_units = re.findall(r"([a-zA-Z]+)", unit) atomic_dict = dict((au, sympy.Symbol(au)) for au in atomic_units) sympified_unit = eval(unit, atomic_dict, dict()) return "\\mathrm{{{0}}}".format(mp_latex(sympified_unit), **self.print_settings)
[docs] def format_packages(self, package_list): """ Return list of packages and options as a LaTeX-formatted string. Assumes package list is on the form (("package1", "[options1]"), ...). """ return "\n".join("\\usepackage{0}{{{1}}}".format(option, package) for package, option in package_list)
def __repr__(self): return "{0}({1}, {2})".format( self.__class__.__name__, repr(self.ode), repr(self.params))