Source code for gotran.input.cellml

# Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Johan Hake
# This file is part of Gotran.
# Gotran is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Gotran is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Gotran. If not, see <>.

import re
from future.standard_library import install_aliases
import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
from xml.etree import ElementTree
from functools import cmp_to_key

from collections import OrderedDict, deque, defaultdict
from gotran.common import info, warning, error, check_arg, begin_log, end_log
from gotran.model.odeobjects import cmp

from modelparameters.codegeneration import _all_keywords
from modelparameters.parameterdict import *

# Local imports
from gotran.common.options import parameters
from gotran.input.mathml import MathMLBaseParser

__all__ = ["cellml2ode", "CellMLParser"]

si_unit_map = {"ampere":"A", "becquerel":"Bq", "candela":"cd", "celsius":"gradC",
               "coulomb":"C","dimensionless":"1", "farad":"F", "gram":"g",
               "gray":"Gy", "henry":"H", "hertz":"Hz", "joule":"J", "katal":"kat",
               "kelvin":"K", "kilogram":"kg", "liter":"l", "litre":"l","molar":"M",
               "lumen":"lm", "lux":"lx", "meter":"m", "metre":"m", "mole":"mole",
               "newton":"N", "ohm":"Omega", "pascal":"Pa", "radian":"rad",
               "second":"s", "siemens":"S", "sievert":"Sv", "steradian":"sr",
               "tesla":"T", "volt":"V", "watt":"W", "weber":"Wb", "dimensionless":"1"}

prefix_map = {"deca":"da", "hecto":"h", "kilo":"k", "mega":"M", "giga":"G",
              "tera":"T", "peta":"P", "exa":"E", "zetta":"Z", "yotta":"Y",
              "deci":"d", "centi":"c", "milli":"m", "micro":"u", "nano":"n",
              "pico":"p", "femto":"f", "atto":"a", "zepto":"z", "yocto":"y",
              None:"", "-3":"m"}


class Equation(object):
    Class for holding information about an Equation
    def __init__(self, name, expr, used_variables): = name
        self.expr = expr
        self.used_variables = used_variables
        self.dependent_equations = []
        self.component = None

    def check_dependencies(self, equation):
        Check Equation dependencies
        assert(isinstance(equation, Equation))

        if in self.used_variables:

    def __str__(self):

    def __repr__(self):
        return "Equation({0} = {1})".format(, "".join(self.expr))

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, Equation):
            return False
        return == and other.component == self.component

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(

class Component(object):
    Class for holding information about a CellML Component
    def __init__(self, name, variables, equations, state_variables=None): = name

        self.variable_info = {}

        self.state_variables = OrderedDict((state, variables.pop(state, None))\
                                           for state in state_variables)

        for state, info in list(self.state_variables.items()):
            self.variable_info[state] = info
            self.variable_info["type"] = "state_variable"

        self.parameters = OrderedDict((name, info) for name, info in \
                                      list(variables.items()) if info["init"] is not None)

        for param, info in list(self.parameters.items()):
            self.variable_info[param] = info
            self.variable_info["type"] = "parameter"

        self.derivatives = state_variables

        self.parent = None
        self.children = []

        self.dependencies = OrderedDict()
        self.used_in = OrderedDict()

        # Store equations

        # Extract info
        dummy = dict(init=None, unit="1", private=True)
        for eq in self.equations:
            self.variable_info[] = variables.get(, dummy)
            self.variable_info[]["type"] = "equation"

        # Get used variables
        self.used_variables = set()
        for equation in self.equations:

        # Remove dependencies on names defined by component
   for equation in self.equations)

            name for name in self.parameters)

            name for name in self.state_variables)

    def sort_and_store_equations(self, equations):

        # Check if reserved name for state derivativeis is used as equation
        # name
        derivative_names = ["d{0}_dt".format(der) for der in self.derivatives]
        removal =[]

        for eq in equations[:]:
            if in derivative_names and len(eq.expr) == 1 and \
                   eq.expr[0] ==

        # Check internal dependencies
        for eq0 in equations:

            eq0.dependent_equations = []

            # Store component
            eq0.component = self
            for eq1 in equations:
                if eq0 == eq1:

        sorted_equations = []
        while equations:
            equation = equations.pop(0)
            if any(dep in equations for dep in equation.dependent_equations):

        # Store the sorted equations
        self.equations = sorted_equations

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(

    def __str__(self):
        return + "<{0}>".format(len(self.state_variables))

    def __repr__(self):
        return "Component<{0}, {1}>".format(, \

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, Component):
            return False

        return ==

    def check_dependencies(self, component):
        Check components dependencies
        assert(isinstance(component, Component))

        if any( in self.used_variables \
               for equation in component.equations):
            dep_equations = [equation for equation in component.equations \
                             if in self.used_variables]

            # Register mutual dependencies
            self.dependencies[component] = dep_equations
            component.used_in[self] = dep_equations

            # Add logics for dependencies of all Equations.
            for other_equation in component.equations:
                for equation in self.equations:
                    if in equation.used_variables:

    def change_parameter_name(self, oldname, newname=None):
        Change the name of a parameter
        Assume the name is only used locally within this component
        assert(oldname in self.parameters)

        # If no newname is give we pick one based on the component name
        if newname is None:
            newname = oldname + "_" +"_")[0]

        warning("Locally change parameter name '{0}' to '{1}' in "\
                "component '{2}'.".format(oldname, newname,

        # Update parameters
        self.parameters = OrderedDict((newname if name == oldname else \
                                       name, value) for name, value in \

        # Update equations
        for eqn in self.equations:
            while oldname in eqn.expr:
                eqn.expr[eqn.expr.index(oldname)] = newname

        return newname

    def change_state_name(self, oldname, newname=None):
        Change the name of a state
        Assume the name is only used locally within this component
        assert(oldname in self.state_variables)

        # If no newname is give we pick one based on the component name
        if newname is None:
            newname = oldname + "_" +"_")[0]

        warning("Locally change state name '{0}' to '{1}' in component "\
                "'{2}'.".format(oldname, newname,

        # Update parameters
        self.state_variables = OrderedDict((newname if name == oldname \
                            else name, value) for name, value in \

        oldder = self.derivatives[oldname]
        newder = oldder.replace(oldname, newname)
        self.derivatives = OrderedDict((newname if name == oldname else name, \
                                        newder if value == oldder else value) \
                                       for name, value in \
        # Update equations
        for eqn in self.equations:
            while oldname in eqn.expr:
                eqn.expr[eqn.expr.index(oldname)] = newname
            while oldder in eqn.expr:
                eqn.expr[eqn.expr.index(oldder)] = newder
            if oldder ==
       = newder

        # Update derivative equation
        old_eq_name = "d{0}_dt".format(oldname)
        new_eq_name = "d{0}_dt".format(newname)
        self.variable_info[new_eq_name] = self.variable_info.pop(\
            old_eq_name, dict(init=None, unit="1", private=True, type="equation"))

        return newname

    def change_equation_name(self, oldname, newname=None):

        assert(oldname in self.variable_info and \

        # If no newname is give we pick one based on the component name
        if newname is None:
            newname = oldname + "_" +"_")[0]

        warning("Locally change equation name '{0}' to '{1}' in "\
                "component '{2}'.".format(oldname, newname,

        # Go through all equations and change the name used locally
        for ind, eqn in enumerate(self.equations[:]):
            while oldname in eqn.expr:
                eqn.expr[eqn.expr.index(oldname)] = newname

            # Update the actuall equation
            if == oldname:
       = newname
                self.equations[ind] = eqn

        # Update meta info
        self.variable_info[newname] = self.variable_info.pop(oldname)

        return newname

    def change_variable_name(self, oldname, newname=None):
        if oldname not in self.variable_info:
            error("Cannot change variable name. {0} is not a variable "\
                  "in component {1}".format(oldname,

        vartype = self.variable_info[oldname]["type"]

        assert(vartype in ["state_variable", "parameter", "equation"])

        if vartype == "state_variable":
            return self.change_state_name(oldname, newname)
        if vartype == "parameter":
            return self.change_parameter_name(oldname, newname)

        return self.change_equation_name(oldname, newname)

[docs]class CellMLParser(object): """ This module parses a CellML XML-file and converts it to PyCC code """
[docs] @staticmethod def default_parameters(): # Get the default parameters from the global parameters object return parameters.input.cellml.copy()
def __init__(self, model_source, params=None, targets=None, ): """ Arguments: ---------- model_source: str Path or url to CellML file params : dict A dict with parameters for the targets : list, dict (optional) Components of the model to parse """ targets = targets or [] params = params or {} check_arg(model_source, str) check_arg(targets, (list, dict)) self._params = self.default_parameters() self._params.update(params) # Open file or url try: with open(model_source, "r") as fp: self.cellml = ElementTree.parse(fp).getroot() except IOError: try: fp = urllib.request.urlopen(model_source) self.cellml = ElementTree.parse(fp).getroot() except: error("ERROR: Unable to open " + model_source) self.model_source = model_source = self.cellml.attrib['name'] begin_log("Parsing CellML model: {0}".format( self.mathmlparser = MathMLBaseParser(self._params.use_sympy_integers) self.cellml_namespace = self.cellml.tag.split("}")[0] + "}" self.parse_units() self.components = self.parse_components(targets) self.documentation = self.parse_documentation() end_log()
[docs] def parse_documentation(self): """ Parse the documentation of the article """ namespace = "{}" article = self.cellml.getiterator(namespace+"article") try: article = list(article)[0] except IndexError: return "" articleinfo = list(article.getiterator(namespace+"articleinfo"))[0] # Get title if articleinfo and articleinfo.getiterator(namespace+"title"): title = list(articleinfo.getiterator(namespace+"title"))[0].text else: title = "" # Get model structure comments for child in article.getchildren(): if child.attrib.get("id") == "sec_structure": content = [] for par in child.getiterator(namespace+"para"): # Get lines splitted_line = deque(("".join(text.strip() \ for text in par.itertext())).\ split(" ")) # Cut them in lines which are not longer than 80 characters ret_lines = [] while splitted_line: line_stumps = [] line_length = 0 while splitted_line and (line_length + \ len(splitted_line[0]) < 80): line_stumps.append(splitted_line.popleft()) line_length += len(line_stumps[-1]) + 1 ret_lines.append(" ".join(line_stumps)) content.extend(ret_lines) content.append("\n") # Clean up content content = ("\n".join(cont.strip() for cont in content)).\ replace(" ", " ").replace(" .", ".").replace(\ " ,", ",") break else: content = "" if title or content: return "%s\n\n%s" % (title, content) return ""
def _gettag(self, node): """ Splits off the namespace part from name, and returns the rest, the tag """ return "".join(node.tag.split("}")[1:])
[docs] def parse_units(self): """ Parse any declared units in the model """ collected_units = OrderedDict() unit_map = si_unit_map.copy() # Extend unit_map for cellml_pref, pref in list(prefix_map.items()): if cellml_pref: unit_map[cellml_pref+"molar"] = pref+"M" collected_units[cellml_pref+"molar"] = {pref+"M": (pref+"M", "1")} parsed_twice = [] all_units = deque(self.get_iterator("units")) while all_units: units = all_units.popleft() unit_name = units.attrib["name"] if unit_name in unit_map: continue collected_parts = OrderedDict() for unit in units.getchildren(): if unit.attrib.get("multiplier"): warning("skipping multiplier in unit {0}".format(units.attrib["name"])) if unit.attrib.get("multiplier"): warning("skipping multiplier in unit {0}".format(units.attrib["name"])) cellml_unit = unit.attrib.get("units") prefix = prefix_map[unit.attrib.get("prefix")] exponent = unit.attrib.get("exponent", "1") if cellml_unit in si_unit_map: abbrev = si_unit_map[cellml_unit] name = prefix+abbrev if exponent not in ["0", "1"]: fullname = name + "**" + exponent else: fullname = name collected_parts[name] = (fullname, exponent) elif cellml_unit in collected_units: if prefix: warning("Skipping prefix of unit '{0}'".format(cellml_unit)) for name, (fullnam, part_exponent) in \ list(collected_units[cellml_unit].items()): new_exponent = float(part_exponent) * float(exponent) if new_exponent % 1.0 == 0.0: new_exponent = str(int(new_exponent)) else: new_exponent = str(new_exponent) if new_exponent not in ["0", "1"]: fullname = name + "**" + new_exponent else: fullname = name collected_parts[name] = (fullname, exponent) elif units not in parsed_twice: all_units.append(units) parsed_twice.append(units) break else: warning("Unknown unit '{0}' in ".format(cellml_unit, units["name"])) else: # Try change mole*l**-1 to mM... #print unit_name, collected_parts #for name, (fullname, exponent) in collected_parts.items(): # if "mole" in name and "l" in collected_parts and \ # collected_parts["l"][1][0]!=exponent[0]: # print "FOUND" collected_units[unit_name] = collected_parts unit_map[unit_name] = "*".join(fullname for fullname, exp \ in list(collected_parts.values())) # Store unit map self.units_map = unit_map
[docs] def get_iterator(self, name, item=None): """ Return an element tree iterator """ item = item if item is not None else self.cellml return item.getiterator(self.cellml_namespace+name)
[docs] def check_and_register_component_variables(\ self, comp, collected_states, collected_parameters, collected_equations): """ Check if component variables are allready collected """ # Check for duplication of states for name in list(comp.state_variables.keys()): der_name = "d{0}_dt".format(name) if name in self._params.change_state_names: newname = name + "_" +"_")[0] comp.change_state_name(name, newname) name = newname # Check state name vs collected state names elif name in collected_states: state_comp = collected_states[name] begin_log("Same state name: '{0}' is used in component: '{1}' "\ "and '{2}'.".format(name,, for change_comp in [comp, state_comp]: if change_comp.state_variables[name]["private"] and \ change_comp.variable_info[der_name]["private"]: new_name = change_comp.change_state_name(name) if change_comp == state_comp: collected_states[new_name] = change_comp break else: warning("Could not resolve duplicated state name {0} in "\ "component {1} and {2}. None of them are private "\ "to the components.".format(name,, end_log() # Check state name vs collected parameter names elif name in collected_parameters: param_comp = collected_parameters[name] begin_log("State name: '{0}' from component '{1}' is used as "\ "parameter in component '{2}'.".format(\ name,, # If parameter is private we change that if param_comp.parameters[name]["private"]: new_name = param_comp.change_parameter_name(name) collected_parameters.pop(name) collected_parameters[new_name] = param_comp # Elseif the state variable is private we change that one elif comp.state_variables[name]["private"] and \ comp.variable_info[der_name]["private"]: name = comp.change_state_name(name) else: warning("Could not resolve duplicated state and "\ "parameter name {0} in component {1} and {2}. "\ "None of them are private to the "\ "components.".format(name,, end_log() # Check state name vs collected equation names elif name in collected_equations: eq_comp = collected_equations[name] begin_log("State name '{0}' from component '{1}' is used as "\ "parameter in component '{2}'.".format(\ name,, # If state is private we change it if comp.state_variables[name]["private"] and \ comp.variable_info[der_name]["private"]: name = comp.change_state_name(name) elif eq_comp.variable_info[name]["private"]: new_name = eq_comp.change_equation_name(name) collected_equation.pop(name) collected_equation[new_name] = eq_comp else: warning("Could not resolve duplicated state and "\ "equation name {0} in component {1} and {2}. "\ "None of them are private to the "\ "components.".format(name,, end_log() # Register the collected state collected_states[name] = comp # Check parameters for name in list(comp.parameters.keys()): # Check parameter name vs collected state names if name in collected_states: state_comp = collected_states[name] der_name = "d{0}_dt".format(name) begin_log("Same parameter and state name: '{0}' is used in "\ "component '{1}' and '{2}'.".format(\ name,, # If parameter is private we change that if comp.parameters[name]["private"]: name = comp.change_parameter_name(name) elif state_comp.state_variables[name]["private"] and \ state_comp.variable_info[der_name]["private"]: new_name = state_comp.change_state_name(name) collected_states.pop(name) collected_states[new_name] = state_comp else: warning("Could not resolve duplicated state name {0} in "\ "component {1} and {2}. None of them are private "\ "to the components.".format(name,, end_log() # Check state name vs collected parameter names elif name in collected_parameters: param_comp = collected_parameters[name] begin_log("Parameter name '{0}' from component '{1}' is used as "\ "parameter in component '{2}'.".format(\ name,, # If registered parameter is private we change that if param_comp.parameters[name]["private"]: new_name = param_comp.change_parameter_name(name) collected_parameters.pop(name) collected_parameters[new_name] = param_comp # if the parameter is private we change that one elif comp.parameters[name]["private"]: name = comp.change_parameter_name(name) else: warning("Could not resolve duplicated parameter names "\ "{0} in component {1} and {2}. "\ "None of them are private to the "\ "components.".format(name,, end_log() # Check state name vs collected equation names elif name in collected_equations: eq_comp = collected_equations[name] begin_log("Parameter name '{0}' from component '{1}' "\ "is used as parameter in component '{2}'.".format(\ name,, # If parameter is private we change it if comp.parameters[name]["private"]: name = comp.change_parameter_name(name) elif eq_comp.variable_info[name]["private"]: new_name = eq_comp.change_equation_name(name) collected_equation.pop(name) collected_equation[new_name] = eq_comp else: warning("Could not resolve duplicated parameter and "\ "equation names {0} in component {1} and {2}. "\ "None of them are private to the "\ "components.".format(name,, end_log() collected_parameters[name] = comp # Check equation name for eq in comp.equations: name = # If the equation is private we do not care if it is duplicated # elsewhere. Risky... #if comp.variable_info[name]["private"]: # collected_equations[name] = comp # continue # If the equation will be broadcasted to another name we continue #print, name, self.new_variable_connections.get(, {}).keys() #if name in self.new_variable_connections.get(, {}).keys(): # continue # Check equation name vs collected state names if name in collected_states: state_comp = collected_states[name] der_name = "d{0}_dt".format(name) begin_log("Same equation and state name '{0}' is used in "\ "component '{1}' and '{2}'.".format(\ name,, # If equation is private we change that #if comp.variable_info[name]["private"]: # name = comp.change_equation_name(name) if state_comp.state_variables[name]["private"] and \ state_comp.variable_info[der_name]["private"]: new_name = state_comp.change_state_name(name) collected_states.pop(name) collected_states[new_name] = state_comp else: warning("Could not resolve duplicated state and "\ "equation name {0} in component {1} and {2}. "\ "None of them are private to the "\ "components.".format(name,, end_log() # Check equation name vs collected parameter names elif name in collected_parameters: param_comp = collected_parameters[name] begin_log("Equation name '{0}' from component '{1}' is used as "\ "parameter in component '{2}'.".format(\ name,, # If registered parameter is private we change that if param_comp.parameters[name]["private"]: new_name = param_comp.change_parameter_name(name) collected_parameters.pop(name) collected_parameters[new_name] = param_comp # If the parameter is private we change that one #elif comp.variable_info[name]["private"]: # name = comp.change_equation_name(name) else: warning("Could not resolve duplicated parameter and "\ "equation name {0} in component {1} and {2}. "\ "None of them are private to the "\ "components.".format(name,, end_log() # Check equation name vs collected equation names elif name in collected_equations: eq_comp = collected_equations[name] info("Equation name '{0}' from component '{1}' is used as "\ "equation name in component '{2}'.".format(\ name,, # If equation is private we change it #if comp.variable_info[name]["private"] and \ # eq_comp.variable_info[name]["private"]: # warning("Both equations are private. We do not change "\ # "name on either one of them.") #elif eq_comp.variable_info[name]["private"]: # new_name = eq_comp.change_equation_name(name) # collected_equations.pop(name) # collected_equations[new_name] = eq_comp # #else: # warning("Could not resolve duplicated parameter and "\ # "equation names {0} in component {1} and {2}. "\ # "None of them are private to the "\ # "components.".format(name,, collected_equations[name] = comp
[docs] def parse_imported_model(self): """ Parse any imported models """ components = OrderedDict() # Collect states and parameters to check for duplicates collected_states = dict() collected_parameters = dict() collected_equations = dict() # Import other models imports = self.get_iterator("import") if imports: info("Parsing imported models:") for model in imports: import_comp_names = dict() for comp in self.get_iterator("component", model): import_comp_names[comp.attrib["component_ref"]] = \ comp.attrib["name"] model_parser = CellMLParser(\ model.attrib["{}href"], \ targets=import_comp_names) for comp in model_parser.components: components[] = comp # Extract states, parameters and equations for comp in list(components.values()): self.check_and_register_component_variables(\ comp, collected_states, collected_parameters, \ collected_equations) return components, collected_states, collected_parameters,\ collected_equations
[docs] def get_parents(self, grouping, element=None): """ If group was used in the cellml use it to gather parent information about the components """ # Collect component encapsulation def get_encapsulation(elements, all_parents, parent=None): children = {} for encap in elements: name = encap.attrib["component"] all_parents[name] = parent if encap.getchildren(): nested_children = get_encapsulation(\ encap.getchildren(), all_parents, name) children[name] = dict(children=nested_children, \ parent=parent) else: children[name] = dict(children=None, parent=parent) return children encapsulations = dict() all_parents = dict() for group in self.get_iterator("group", element): children = group.getchildren() if children and children[0].attrib.get("relationship") == \ grouping: encapsulations = get_encapsulation(children[1:], all_parents) # If no group information in cellml extract potential parent information # from component names if not all_parents: # Iterate over the components comp_names = [comp.attrib["name"] for comp in self.get_iterator(\ "component", element)] for parent_name in comp_names: for name in comp_names: if parent_name in name and parent_name != name: all_parents[name] = parent_name return encapsulations, all_parents
[docs] def parse_single_component(self, comp, collected_states, \ collected_parameters, collected_equations): """ Parse a single component and create a Component object """ comp_name = comp.attrib["name"] # Collect variables and equations variables = OrderedDict() equations = [] state_variables = OrderedDict() #derivatives = [] # Get variables that are used outside the component variables_used_in_connections = list(self.new_variable_connections.get(\ comp_name, dict()).keys()) + list(self.same_variable_connections.get(\ comp_name, dict()).keys()) # Get variable and initial values for var in self.get_iterator("variable", comp): var_name = var.attrib["name"] if var_name in _all_keywords: var_name = var_name + "_" # Check connection and pair it with interface information to # check if a variable is public or not public = var_name in variables_used_in_connections and \ (var.attrib.get("public_interface") == "out" or \ var.attrib.get("private_interface") == "out") # Store variables using initial and unit variables[var_name] = dict(\ init = var.attrib.get("initial_value"),\ unit = self.units_map[var.attrib.get("units")],\ private = not public, public_interface = var.attrib.get("public_interface"), private_interface = var.attrib.get("private_interface"), ) # Get equations for math in comp.getiterator(\ "{}math"): for eq in math.getchildren(): equation_list, state_variable, derivative, \ used_variables = self.mathmlparser.parse(eq) # Get equation name eq_name = equation_list[0] if eq_name in _all_keywords: equation_list[0] = eq_name + "_" eq_name = equation_list[0] # Discard collected equation name from used variables used_variables.discard(eq_name) assert(re.findall("(\w+)", eq_name)[0]==eq_name) assert(equation_list[1] == self.mathmlparser["eq"]) equations.append(Equation(eq_name, equation_list[2:], used_variables)) # Do not register state variables twice if state_variable is not None and \ state_variable not in state_variables: state_variables[state_variable] = derivative # Create Component comp = Component(comp_name, variables, equations, state_variables) # Collect and check variables self.check_and_register_component_variables(\ comp, collected_states, collected_parameters, \ collected_equations) return comp
[docs] def sort_components(self, components, sorted_once=False): if not sorted_once: begin_log("Sorting components with respect to dependencies") else: begin_log("Sorting components with respect to dependencies second time") # Check internal dependencies for comp0 in components: for comp1 in components: if comp0 == comp1: continue comp0.check_dependencies(comp1) def simple_sort(components): components = deque(components) dependant_components = [] sorted_components = [] while components: component = components.popleft() # Chek for circular dependancy if dependant_components.count(component) > 4: components.append(component) break if any(dep in components for dep in \ component.dependencies): components.append(component) dependant_components.append(component) else: sorted_components.append(component) return sorted_components, list(components) # Initial sorting sorted_components, circular_components = simple_sort(components) # If no circular dependencies if not circular_components: end_log() return sorted_components try: import networkx as nx except: warning("networkx could not be imported. Circular "\ "dependencies between components will not be sorted out.") return sorted_components + circular_components # Collect zero and one dependencies zero_dep_equations = set() one_dep_equations = set() equation_map = {} # Gather zero dependent equations for comp in circular_components: for dep_comp, equations in list(comp.dependencies.items()): for equation in equations: if not equation.dependent_equations and \ in comp.used_variables: zero_dep_equations.add(equation) equation_map[] = equation # Check for one dependency if that is the zero one one_dep_zero_dep = defaultdict(set) for comp in circular_components: for dep_comp, equations in list(comp.dependencies.items()): for equation in equations: if len(equation.dependent_equations) == 1 and \ in comp.used_variables and \ equation.dependent_equations[0] in \ zero_dep_equations: equation_map[] = equation one_dep_equations.add(equation) one_dep_zero_dep[].add(\ equation.dependent_equations[0].name) # Try to eliminate circular dependency # Extract dependent equation to a new component # Find ODE component. If not found create one for comp in components: if == ode_comp = comp break else: ode_comp = Component(, {}, [], {}) # Valid edges for removal valid_edges = [ for eq in zero_dep_equations] + \ [ for eq in one_dep_equations] G = nx.MultiDiGraph() G.add_nodes_from([ for comp in components]) # Build graph for comp in components: [G.add_edge(,, for dep, equations in list(comp.dependencies.items()) \ for equation in equations] # collecte edges that breaks cycles cycle_breakers = [] # Collect data over the best edge to remove edge_score = defaultdict(lambda : 0) edge_to_nodes = defaultdict(set) for cycle in nx.simple_cycles(G): local_breaker = [] for n0, n1 in zip(cycle[:-1], cycle[1:]): if all(edge in valid_edges for edge in G[n0][n1]): local_breaker.append([edge for edge in G[n0][n1]]) for edge in local_breaker[-1]: edge_to_nodes[edge].add((n0, n1)) cycle_breakers.append(local_breaker) for local_edges in local_breaker: for edge in local_edges: edge_score[edge] += 1 # Sort the edges we should remove by a score given by how many # cycles it breaks by being removed. edge_score = sorted((edge_score[edge], edge) for edge in edge_score) # Collect edges to be removed edge_removal = set() cycles_fixed = [False]*len(cycle_breakers) while not all(cycles_fixed) and edge_score: score, edge = edge_score.pop() # Remove this/these edge/edges this iteration local_removal = [edge] # If adding a one dep edge we need to also remove its dependent edge dep_removal = set() if edge in one_dep_zero_dep: local_removal.extend(one_dep_zero_dep[edge]) dep_removal.update(one_dep_zero_dep[edge]) for edge_remove in local_removal: # Iterate over the different cycles for i, local_breakers in enumerate(cycle_breakers): # If the cycle is fixed if cycles_fixed[i]: continue # Go through the collected valid breakers and pick the one # with least edges first for j, local_edges in enumerate(sorted(\ local_breakers, key=cmp_to_key(lambda o0, o1: cmp(len(o0), len(o1))))): # If the removed edge is in the local edges if edge_remove in local_edges: local_edges.remove(edge_remove) edge_removal.add(edge_remove) # Check any dependent edges for dep_edge in one_dep_zero_dep.get(\ edge_remove, []): edge_removal.add(dep_edge) if len(local_edges) == 0: cycles_fixed[i] = True break # If no edge sugested for removal we pick the zero dep equations if not edge_removal: if zero_dep_equations: edge_removal = [ for eq in zero_dep_equations] elif one_dep_equations: edge_removal = [ for eq in one_dep_equations] else: warning("Could not sort out circular dependencies.") # Remove the edges from the graph for edge in edge_removal: for n0, n1 in edge_to_nodes[edge]: G.remove_edge(n0, n1, key=edge) # Move the marked edges (equations) from the relevant components removed_equations = {} for edge in edge_removal: eq = equation_map[edge] old_comp = eq.component ode_comp.equations.append(eq) old_comp.equations.remove(eq) ode_comp.variable_info[] = old_comp.variable_info.pop( # Store changed removed_equations[eq] = old_comp # Transfer used_in to new component new_dependent_componets = OrderedDict() for dep_comp, equations in list(old_comp.used_in.items()): assert equations if eq not in equations or dep_comp == ode_comp: continue # Remove dependency from old component and add it to the new if len(equations) == 1: new_dependent_componets[dep_comp] = \ old_comp.used_in.pop(dep_comp) else: new_dependent_componets[dep_comp] = [\ old_comp.used_in[dep_comp].pop(equations.index(eq))] # Change component dependencies if old_comp in dep_comp.dependencies and eq in \ dep_comp.dependencies[old_comp]: if len(dep_comp.dependencies[old_comp]) == 1: dep_comp.dependencies.pop(old_comp) else: dep_comp.dependencies[old_comp].remove(eq) if ode_comp not in dep_comp.dependencies: dep_comp.dependencies[ode_comp] = [eq] else: dep_comp.dependencies[ode_comp].append(eq) # Store new component to the extracted equation eq.component = ode_comp ode_comp.dependent_componets = new_dependent_componets if ode_comp not in sorted_components: sorted_components.insert(0, ode_comp) # Sort newly added equations ode_comp.sort_and_store_equations(ode_comp.equations) # Sort graph components and apply the sortings to the collected # CellML compoents sort_again = False try: sorted_components = nx.topological_sort(G) components.sort(lambda n0, n1: cmp(sorted_components.index(, \ sorted_components.index( message = "To avoid circular dependency the following equations "\ "has been moved:" except Exception as e: warning("Topological sort failed: " + str(e)) message = "In a try to avoid circular dependency the following equations "\ "has been moved:" sort_again = True # Insert the ODE component with extracted equations first components.insert(0, ode_comp) warning(message) for eq, old_comp in list(removed_equations.items()): warning("{0} : from {1} to {2} component".format(\,, end_log() if 0:#sort_again: from IPython import embed; embed() exit() # Try rebuild the graph and make another topological sort G = nx.MultiDiGraph() G.add_nodes_from([ for comp in components]) # Build graph for comp in components: [G.add_edge(,, for dep, equations in list(comp.dependencies.items()) \ for equation in equations] try: pass # sorted_components = nx.topological_sort(G) # components = nx.topological_sort(G) # components.sort(lambda n0, n1: cmp(list(sorted_components)[],list(sorted_components)[])) # components.sort(lambda n0, n1: cmp(sorted_components.index(, \ # sorted_components.index( except Exception as e: warning("Topological sort failed a second time: " + str(e)) return components
[docs] def parse_components(self, targets): """ Build a dictionary containing dictionarys describing each component of the cellml model """ # First parse connections which is used to determine the interface of # each variable self.new_variable_connections, self.same_variable_connections = \ self.parse_connections() # Parse imported components components, collected_states, collected_parameters, \ collected_equations = self.parse_imported_model() # Get parent relationship between components encapsulations, all_parents = self.get_parents(self._params.grouping) if targets: # If the parent information was not of type encapsulation # regather parent information if self._params.grouping != "encapsulation": encapsulations, dummy = self.get_parents("encapsulation") # Add any encapsulated components to the target list for target, new_target_name in list(targets.items()): if target in encapsulations: for child in encapsulations[target]["children"]: targets[child] = child.replace(\ target, new_target_name) target_parents = dict() # Update all_parents for comp_name, parent_name in list(all_parents.items()): if parent_name not in targets: continue target_parents[targets[comp_name]] = targets[parent_name] # Iterate over the components for comp in self.get_iterator("component"): comp_name = comp.attrib["name"] # Only parse selected and non-empty components if (targets and comp_name not in targets) or \ len(comp.getchildren()) == 0: continue # If targets provides a name mapping give the component a new name if targets and isinstance(targets, dict): new_name = targets[comp_name] comp.attrib["name"] = new_name comp_name = new_name # Store component components[comp_name] = self.parse_single_component(\ comp, collected_states, collected_parameters, collected_equations) # Add parent information all_component_names = list(components.keys()) for name, comp in list(components.items()): if targets: parent_name = target_parents.get(name) else: parent_name = all_parents.get(name) if parent_name: comp.parent = components[parent_name] # If parent name in child name, reduce child name length if self._params.strip_parent_name and parent_name in old_name = new_name = old_name.replace(parent_name, "").strip("_") if new_name not in all_component_names: = new_name all_component_names.remove(old_name) all_component_names.append(new_name) components[parent_name].children.append(comp) # If we only extract a sub set of component we do not sort if targets: return list(components.values()) # Before dependencies are checked we change names according to # variable mappings in the original CellML file if self.new_variable_connections: begin_log("\nRenaming variables through connections") for comp, variables in list(self.new_variable_connections.items()): # Iterate over old and new names for oldname, newnames in list(variables.items()): # Check that the direction of the connection is correct # If no variable info is registered for this comp or its # children it is the wrong direction #print #print comp, oldname #print components[comp].variable_info.keys() #for child in components[comp].children: # print, child.variable_info.keys() # if oldname in child.variable_info.keys(): # print "HURRAY" # print child.variable_info[oldname] if oldname not in components[comp].variable_info and all(\ oldname not in child.variable_info \ for child in components[comp].children): continue # Try access var_info var_info = components[comp].variable_info.get(oldname) # If not we try components children if var_info is None: for child in components[comp].children: if oldname in child.variable_info: var_info = child.variable_info[oldname] break #print comp, oldname #print var_info # If variable is not intended out if not (var_info.get("public_interface")=="out" or \ var_info.get("private_interface")=="out"): continue # Check if the oldname is used in any components old_name_used = self.same_variable_connections[comp].get(oldname) # If there are only one newname we change the name of the # original equation if len(newnames) == 1: # If not old name used or old name only used in children and # we then assume it is private to the component relationship # parent-child if not old_name_used or all(components[other_comp] in \ components[comp].children for other_comp in old_name_used): # Get new name newname = list(newnames.keys())[0] # If oldname in component if components[comp].variable_info.get(oldname) is not None: components[comp].change_variable_name(oldname, newname) if old_name_used: for other_comp in old_name_used: components[other_comp].change_variable_name(\ oldname, newname) for child in components[comp].children: if child.variable_info.get(oldname) is not None: child.change_variable_name(oldname, newname) else: # FIXME: Add equation with name change to component pass else: # FIXME: Add equation with name change to component pass if self.new_variable_connections: end_log() # Add dependencies and sort the components accordingly return self.sort_components(list(components.values()))
[docs] def parse_connections(self): new_variable_names = dict() same_variable_names = dict() for con in self.get_iterator("connection"): con_map = list(self.get_iterator("map_components", con))[0] comp1 = con_map.attrib["component_1"] comp2 = con_map.attrib["component_2"] for var_map in self.get_iterator("map_variables", con): var1 = var_map.attrib["variable_1"] var2 = var_map.attrib["variable_2"] if var1 != var2: if comp1 not in new_variable_names: new_variable_names[comp1] = {var1:defaultdict(list)} elif var1 not in new_variable_names[comp1]: new_variable_names[comp1][var1] = defaultdict(list) new_variable_names[comp1][var1][var2].append(comp2) # Register both directions if comp2 not in new_variable_names: new_variable_names[comp2] = {var2:defaultdict(list)} elif var2 not in new_variable_names[comp2]: new_variable_names[comp2][var2] = defaultdict(list) new_variable_names[comp2][var2][var1].append(comp1) else: if comp1 not in same_variable_names: same_variable_names[comp1] = {var1:[comp2]} elif var1 not in same_variable_names[comp1]: same_variable_names[comp1][var1] = [comp2] else: same_variable_names[comp1][var1].append(comp2) # Register both directions if comp2 not in same_variable_names: same_variable_names[comp2] = {var2:[comp1]} elif var2 not in same_variable_names[comp2]: same_variable_names[comp2][var2] = [comp1] else: same_variable_names[comp2][var2].append(comp1) return new_variable_names, same_variable_names
[docs] def to_gotran(self): """ Generate a gotran file """ gotran_lines = [] for docline in self.documentation.split("\n"): gotran_lines.append("# " + docline) if gotran_lines: gotran_lines.extend([""]) # Add component info declaration_lines = [] equation_lines = [] def unders_score_replace(comp): new_name ="_", " ") # If only 1 state it might be included in the name state_name = "" if len(comp.state_variables) == 1: state_name = list(comp.state_variables.keys())[0] if state_name in new_name = state_name.join(part.replace("_", " ") \ for part in # Captitalize first word single_words = new_name.split(" ") if len(single_words[0]) > 1 and "_" not in single_words[0]: single_words[0] = single_words[0][0].upper()+single_words[0][1:] # If first word is only a character we assume the first two # words to stick together elif len(single_words[0]) == 1 and len(single_words)>1 and \ single_words[0] != state_name: single_words = [single_words[0]+"_"+single_words[1]] + single_words[2:] return " ".join(single_words) # Iterate over components and collect stuff for comp in self.components: names = deque([unders_score_replace(comp)]) parent = comp.parent while parent is not None: names.appendleft(unders_score_replace(parent)) parent = parent.parent comp_name = ", ".join("\"{0}\"".format(name) for name in names) # Collect initial state values if comp.state_variables: declaration_lines.append("") declaration_lines.append("states({0},".format(comp_name)) for name, info in list(comp.state_variables.items()): if info["unit"] != "1": declaration_lines.append(" {0} = ScalarParam({1}"\ ", unit=\"{2}\"),".format(name, float(info["init"]), info["unit"])) else: declaration_lines.append(" {0} = {1},".format(\ name, info["init"])) declaration_lines[-1] = declaration_lines[-1][:-1]+")" # Collect initial parameters values if comp.parameters: declaration_lines.append("") declaration_lines.append("parameters({0},".format(comp_name)) for name, info in list(comp.parameters.items()): if info["unit"] != "1": declaration_lines.append(" {0} = ScalarParam({1}"\ ", unit=\"{2}\"),".format(name, float(info["init"]), info["unit"])) else: declaration_lines.append(" {0} = {1},".format(\ name, info["init"])) declaration_lines[-1] = declaration_lines[-1][:-1]+")" # Collect all intermediate equations if comp.equations: equation_lines.append("") equation_lines.append("expressions({0})".format(\ comp_name)) for eq in comp.equations: expr = [] for eqi in eq.expr: if eqi.isdigit(): expr.append(str(float(eqi))) else: expr.append(eqi) eq.expr = expr equation_lines.extend("{0} = {1}{2}".format(\, "".join(eq.expr), " # {0}".format(\ comp.variable_info[]["unit"]) \ if comp.variable_info[]["unit"] != "1" else "")\ for eq in comp.equations) gotran_lines.append("# gotran file generated by cellml2gotran from "\ "{0}".format(self.model_source)) gotran_lines.extend(declaration_lines) gotran_lines.extend(equation_lines) gotran_lines.append("") gotran_lines.append("") # Return joined lines return "\n".join(gotran_lines) # Write file open("{0}.ode".format(, "w").write()
[docs]def cellml2ode(model_source, **options): """ Convert a CellML model into an ode Arguments --------- model_source: str Path or url to CellML file options : dict Optional parameters to control cellml parser """ check_arg(model_source, str) from gotran.model.loadmodel import exec_ode params = CellMLParser.default_parameters() params.update(options) cellml = CellMLParser(model_source, params=params) return exec_ode(cellml.to_gotran(),