Source code for gotran.model.odecomponent

# Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Johan Hake
# This file is part of Gotran.
# Gotran is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Gotran is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Gotran. If not, see <>.

__all__ = ["ODEComponent"]

# System imports
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
import weakref
from functools import partial

from sympy.core.function import AppliedUndef

# ModelParameters imports
from modelparameters.sympytools import sp, symbols_from_expr
from modelparameters.utils import Timer
from modelparameters.codegeneration import sympycode, _all_keywords

# Local imports
from gotran.common import error, debug, check_arg, check_kwarg, scalars
from gotran.model.odeobjects import *
from gotran.model.expressions import *
from gotran.model.utils import *

[docs]class ODEComponent(ODEObject): """ Base class for all ODE components. """ def __init__(self, name, parent): """ Create an ODEComponent Arguments --------- name : str The name of the component. This str serves as the unique identifier of the Component. parent : gotran.ODEComponent The parent component of this ODEComponent """ # Turn off magic attributes (see __setattr__ method) during # construction self._allow_magic_attributes = False check_arg(name, str, 0, ODEComponent) check_arg(parent, ODEComponent, 1, ODEComponent) # Call super class super(ODEComponent, self).__init__(name) # Store parent component self._parent = weakref.ref(parent) # Store ODEComponent children self.children = OrderedDict() # Store ODEObjects of this component self.ode_objects = ODEObjectList() # Storage of rates self.rates = RateDict(self) # Store all state expressions self._local_state_expressions = dict() # Collect all comments self._local_comments = [] # Flag to check if component is finalized self._is_finalized = False self._is_finalizing = False # Turn on magic attributes (see __setattr__ method) self._allow_magic_attributes = True @property def parent(self): """ Return the the parent if it is still alive. Otherwise it will return None """ p = self._parent() if p is None: error("Cannot access parent ODEComponent. It is already "\ "destroyed.") return p
[docs] def get_object(self, name, reversed=True, return_component=False): # First check self obj = self.ode_objects.get(name) if obj: return self, obj # Then iterate all objects in ode comp, obj = None, None # If a name is registered if name in self.root.ns: for obj in iter_objects(self, True, False, reversed): if isinstance(obj, ODEComponent): comp = obj elif == name: break else: comp, obj = None, None return comp, obj if return_component else obj
@property def t(self): """ Return the time symbol """ return self.root._time.sym @property def time(self): """ Return the time """ return self.root._time
[docs] def add_comment(self, comment, dependent=None): """ Add a comment to the ODE component Arguments --------- comment : str The comment dependent : gotran.ODEObject If given the count of this comment will follow as a fractional count based on the count of the dependent object """ comment = Comment(comment, dependent) self.ode_objects.append(comment) self._local_comments.append(comment)
[docs] def add_state(self, name, init): """ Add a state to the component Arguments --------- name : str The name of the state variable init : scalar, modelparameters.ScalarParam The initial value of the state """ timer = Timer("Add states") # Create state state = State(name, init, self.time) self._register_component_object(state) # Return the sympy version of the state return state.sym
[docs] def add_states(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Add a number of states to the current ODEComponent Arguments --------- args : list of tuples A list of tuples with states and init values. Use this to set states if you need them ordered. kwargs : dict A dict with states """ states = list(args) + sorted(kwargs.items()) if len(states) == 0: error("Expected at least one state") for arg in states: if not isinstance(arg, tuple) or len(arg) != 2: error("excpected tuple with lenght 2 with state name (str) "\ "and init values as the args argument.") state_name, init = arg # Add the states self.add_state(state_name, init)
[docs] def add_parameter(self, name, init): """ Add a parameter to the component Arguments --------- name : str The name of the parameter init : scalar, modelparameters.ScalarParam The initial value of the parameter """ timer = Timer("Add parameters") param = Parameter(name, init) self._register_component_object(param) # Return the sympy version of the state return param.sym
[docs] def add_parameters(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Add a number of parameters to the current ODEComponent Arguments --------- args : list of tuples A list of tuples with parameters and init values. Use this to set parameters if you need them ordered. kwargs : dict A dict with parameters """ params = list(args) + sorted(kwargs.items()) if len(params) == 0: error("expected at least one parameter") for arg in params: if not isinstance(arg, tuple) or len(arg) != 2: error("excpected tuple with lenght 2 with parameter name (str) "\ "and init values as the args argument.") parameter_name, value = arg # Add the parameters self.add_parameter(parameter_name, value)
[docs] def add_component(self, name): """ Add a sub ODEComponent """ comp = ODEComponent(name, self) if name in self.root.all_components: error("A component with the name '{0}' already excists.".format(name)) self.children[] = comp self.root.all_components[] = comp self.root._present_component = return comp
[docs] def add_solve_state(self, state, expr, dependent=None, **solve_flags): """ Add a solve state expression which tries to find a solution to a state by solving an algebraic expression Arguments --------- state : gotran.State, AppliedUndef The State that is solved expr : sympy.Basic The expression that determines the state dependent : gotran.ODEObject If given the count of this expression will follow as a fractional count based on the count of the dependent object solve_flags : dict Flags that are passed directly to sympy.solve """ from modelparameters.sympytools import symbols_from_expr state = self._expect_state(state) # Check the sympy flags if solve_flags.get("dict") or solve_flags.get("set"): error("Cannot use dict=True or set=True as sympy_flags") # Check that there are no expressions that are dependent on the state for sym in symbols_from_expr(expr, include_derivatives=True): if (state.sym is not sym) and (state.sym in sym.atoms()): error("{0}, a sub expression of the expression, cannot depend "\ "on the state for which we try to solve for.".format(sym)) # Try solve the passed expr try: solved_expr = sp.solve(expr, state.sym) except: error("Could not solve the passed expression") assert isinstance(solved_expr, list) # FIXME: Add possibilities to choose solution? if len(solved_expr) != 1: error("expected only 1 solution") # Unpack the solution solved_expr = solved_expr[0] self.add_state_solution(state, solved_expr, dependent)
[docs] def add_state_solution(self, state, expr, dependent=None): """ Add a solution expression for a state Arguments --------- state : gotran.State, AppliedUndef The State that is solved expr : sympy.Basic The expression that determines the state dependent : gotran.ODEObject If given the count of this expression will follow as a fractional count based on the count of the dependent object """ state = self._expect_state(state) if "d{0}_dt".format( in self.ode_objects: error("Cannot registered a state solution for a state "\ "that has a state derivative registered.") if "alg_{0}_0".format( in self.ode_objects: error("Cannot registered a state solution for a state "\ "that has an algebraic expression registered.") # Create a StateSolution in the present component obj = StateSolution(state, expr, dependent) self._register_component_object(obj)
[docs] def add_intermediate(self, name, expr, dependent=None): """ Register an intermediate math expression Arguments --------- name : str The name of the expression expr : sympy.Basic, scalar The expression dependent : gotran.ODEObject If given the count of this expression will follow as a fractional count based on the count of the dependent object """ # Create an Intermediate in the present component timer = Timer("Add intermediate") expr = Intermediate(name, expr, dependent) self._register_component_object(expr, dependent) return expr.sym
[docs] def add_derivative(self, der_expr, dep_var, expr, dependent=None): """ Add a derivative expression Arguments --------- der_expr : gotran.Expression, gotran.State, sympy.AppliedUndef The Expression or State which is differentiated dep_var : gotran.State, gotran.Time, gotran.Expression, sympy.AppliedUndef, sympy.Symbol The dependent variable expr : sympy.Basic The expression which the differetiation should be equal dependent : gotran.ODEObject If given the count of this expression will follow as a fractional count based on the count of the dependent object """ timer = Timer("Add derivatives") if isinstance(der_expr, AppliedUndef): name = sympycode(der_expr) der_expr = self.root.present_ode_objects.get(name) if der_expr is None: error("{0} is not registered in this ODE".format(name)) if isinstance(dep_var, (AppliedUndef, sp.Symbol)): name = sympycode(dep_var) dep_var = self.root.present_ode_objects.get(name) if dep_var is None: error("{0} is not registered in this ODE".format(name)) # Check if der_expr is a State if isinstance(der_expr, State): self._expect_state(der_expr) obj = StateDerivative(der_expr, expr, dependent) else: # Create a DerivativeExpression in the present component obj = DerivativeExpression(der_expr, dep_var, expr, dependent) self._register_component_object(obj, dependent) return obj.sym
[docs] def add_algebraic(self, state, expr, dependent=None): """ Add an algebraic expression which relates a State with an expression which should equal to 0 Arguments --------- state : gotran.State The State which the algebraic expression should determine expr : sympy.Basic The expression that should equal 0 dependent : gotran.ODEObject If given the count of this expression will follow as a fractional count based on the count of the dependent object """ state = self._expect_state(state) if "d{0}_dt".format( in self.ode_objects: error("Cannot registered an algebraic expression for a state "\ "that has a state derivative registered.") if state.is_solved: error("Cannot registered an algebraic expression for a state "\ "which is registered solved.") # Create an AlgebraicExpression in the present component obj = AlgebraicExpression(state, expr, dependent) self._register_component_object(obj, dependent)
@property def states(self): """ Return a list of all states in the component and its children """ return [state for state in iter_objects(self, False, False, False, \ State)] @property def full_states(self): """ Return a list of all states in the component and its children that are not solved and determined by a state expression """ return [expr.state for expr in self.state_expressions \ if not expr.state.is_solved] @property def full_state_vector(self): """ Return a sympy column vector with all full states """ states = self.full_states return sp.Matrix(len(states), 1, lambda i, j: states[i].sym) @property def parameters(self): """ Return a list of all parameters in the component """ return ode_objects(self, Parameter) @property def intermediates(self): """ Return a list of all intermediates """ return [obj for obj in iter_objects(self, False, False, False, Intermediate)] @property def state_expressions(self): """ Return a list of state expressions """ return sorted((obj for obj in iter_objects(self, False, False, False, StateExpression))) @property def rate_expressions(self): """ Return a list of rate expressions """ return [obj for obj in iter_objects(self, False, False, False, \ RateExpression)] @property def components(self): """ Return a list of all child components in the component """ return ode_components(self) @property def comments(self): return [com for comp in ode_components(self) \ for com in comp._local_comments] @property def root(self): """ Return the root ODE component (the ode) """ present = self while present != present.parent: present = present.parent return present @property def is_finalized(self): return self._is_finalized @property def num_states(self): """ Return the number of all states """ return len(self.states) @property def num_full_states(self): """ Return the number of all full states """ return len(self.full_states) @property def num_parameters(self): """ Return the number of all parameters """ return len(self.parameters) @property def num_intermediates(self): """ Return the number of all intermediates """ return len(self.intermediates) @property def num_state_expressions(self): """ Return the number state expressions """ return len(self.state_expressions) @property def num_rate_expressions(self): """ Return the number rate expressions """ return len(self.rate_expressions) @property def num_components(self): """ Return the number of all components including it self """ return len(self.components) @property def is_complete(self): """ True if the component and all its children are locally complete """ return self.is_locally_complete and all(child.is_complete for child \ in list(self.children.values())) @property def is_locally_complete(self): """ True if the number of non-solved states are the same as the number of registered state expressions """ num_local_states = sum(1 for obj in self.ode_objects \ if isinstance(obj, State) and not obj.is_solved) return num_local_states == len(self._local_state_expressions) def __setattr__(self, name, value): """ A magic function which will register expressions and simpler state expressions """ from modelparameters.sympytools import symbols_from_expr # If we are registering a protected attribute or an attribute # during construction, just add it to the dict if name[0] == "_" or not self._allow_magic_attributes: self.__dict__[name] = value return # If no expression is registered if (not isinstance(value, scalars+(sp.Number,))) \ and not (isinstance(value, sp.Basic) and symbols_from_expr(value)): debug("Not registering: {0} as attribut. It does not contain "\ "any symbols or scalars.".format(name)) # FIXME: Should we raise an error? return # Check for special expressions expr, TYPE = special_expression(name, self.root) if TYPE == INTERMEDIATE: self.add_intermediate(name, value) elif TYPE == DERIVATIVE_EXPRESSION: # Try getting corresponding ODEObjects expr_name, var_name = expr.groups() expr_obj = self.root.present_ode_objects.get(expr_name) var_obj = self.root.present_ode_objects.get(var_name) # If the expr or variable is not declared in this ODE we # register an intermediate if expr_obj is None or var_obj is None: self.add_intermediate(name, value) else: self.add_derivative(expr_obj, var_obj, value) elif TYPE == STATE_SOLUTION_EXPRESSION: self.add_state_solution(expr, value) elif TYPE == ALGEBRAIC_EXPRESSION: # Try getting corresponding ODEObjects var_name, = expr.groups() var_obj = self.root.present_ode_objects.get(var_name) if var_obj is None: self.add_intermediate(name, value) else: self.add_algebraic(var_obj, value) def __call__(self, name): """ Return a child component, if the component does not excist, create and add one """ check_arg(name, str) # If the requested component is the root component if self == self.root and name == comp = self.root else: comp = self.children.get(name) if comp is None: comp = self.add_component(name) debug("Adding '{0}' component to {1}".format(name, self)) else: self.root._present_component = return comp def _expect_state(self, state, allow_state_solution=False, only_local_states=False): """ Help function to check an argument which should be expected to be a state """ if allow_state_solution: allowed = (State, StateSolution) else: allowed = (State,) if isinstance(state, AppliedUndef): name = sympycode(state) state = self.root.present_ode_objects.get(name) if state is None: error("{} is not registered in this ODE".format(name)) if only_local_states and not (state in self.states or \ (state in self.intermediates and \ allow_state_solution)): error("{} is not registered in component {}".format(\ name, check_arg(state, allowed, 0) if isinstance(state, State) and state.is_solved: error("Cannot registered a state expression for a state "\ "which is registered solved.") return state def _register_component_object(self, obj, dependent=None): """ Register an ODEObject to the component """ if self._is_finalized: error("Cannot add {0} {1} to component {2} it is "\ "already finalized.".format(\ obj.__class__.__name__, obj, self)) self._check_reserved_wordings(obj) # Register the object in the root ODE, # (here all duplication checks and expression expansions are done) self.root.register_ode_object(obj, self, dependent) # If registering a StateExpression if isinstance(obj, StateExpression): if self.rates and not self._is_finalizing: error("A component cannot have both state expressions "\ "(derivative and algebraic expressions) and rate "\ "expressions.") if obj.state in self._local_state_expressions: error("A StateExpression for state {0} is already registered "\ "in this component.") # Check that the state is registered in this component state_obj = self.ode_objects.get( if not isinstance(state_obj, State): error("The state expression {0} defines state {1}, which is "\ "not registered in the {2} component.".format(\ obj, obj.state, self)) self._local_state_expressions[obj.state] = obj # If obj is Intermediate register it as an attribute so it can be used # later on. if isinstance(obj, (State, Parameter, IndexedObject, Expression)): # If indexed expression or object register the basename as a dict if isinstance(obj, (IndexedExpression, IndexedObject)): if obj.basename in self.__dict__ and isinstance(\ self.__dict__[obj.basename], dict): self.__dict__[obj.basename][obj.indices] = obj.sym else: # FIXME: Initialize unused indices with zero self.__dict__[obj.basename] = {obj.indices:obj.sym} # Register symbol, overwrite any already excisting symbol else: self.__dict__[] = obj.sym # Register the object self.ode_objects.append(obj) def _check_reserved_wordings(self, obj): if in _all_keywords: error("Cannot register a {0} with a computer language "\ "keyword name: {1}".format(obj.__class__.__name__, # Check for reserved Expression wordings #if isinstance(obj, Expression): # if, \ # and not isinstance(obj, Derivatives): # error("The pattern d{{name}}_dt is reserved for derivatives. " # "However {0} is not a Derivative.".format( # # if, \ # and not isinstance(obj, AlgebraicExpression): # error("The pattern {alg_{{name}}_0 is reserved for algebraic "\ # "expressions, however {1} is not an AlgebraicExpression."\ # .format( def _add_rates(self, states, rate_matrix): """ Use a rate matrix to set rates between states Arguments --------- states : list of States, tuple of two lists of States If one list is passed the rates should be a square matrix and the states list determines the order of the row and column of the matrix. If two lists are passed the first determines the states in the row and the second the states in the column of the Matrix rates_matrix : sympy.MatrixBase A sympy.Matrix of the rate expressions between the states given in the states argument """ check_arg(states, (tuple, list), 0, ODEComponent._add_rates) check_arg(rate_matrix, sp.MatrixBase, 1, ODEComponent._add_rates) # If list if isinstance(states, list): states = (states, states) # else tuple elif len(states) != 2 and not all(isinstance(list_of_states, list) \ for list_of_states in states): error("expected a tuple of 2 lists with states as the "\ "states argument") # Get all states associated with this Markov model local_states = self.states # Check index arguments #for list_of_states in states: # print list_of_states, local_states # if not all(state in local_states for state in list_of_states): # error("Expected the states arguments to be States in "\ # "the Markov model") # Check that the length of the state lists corresponds with the shape of # the rate matrix if rate_matrix.shape[0] != len(states[0]) or rate_matrix.shape[1] != len(states[1]): error("Shape of rates does not match given states") for i, state_i in enumerate(states[0]): for j, state_j in enumerate(states[1]): value = rate_matrix[i,j] # If 0 as rate if (isinstance(value, scalars) and value == 0) or \ (isinstance(value, sp.Basic) and value.is_zero): continue if state_i == state_j: error("Cannot have a nonzero rate value between the "\ "same states") # Assign the rate self._add_single_rate(state_i, state_j, value) def _add_single_rate(self, to_state, from_state, expr): """ Add a single rate expression """ if self.state_expressions: error("A component cannot have both state expressions (derivative "\ "and algebraic expressions) and rate expressions.") check_arg(expr, scalars + (sp.Basic,), 2, \ ODEComponent._add_single_rate) expr = sp.sympify(expr) to_state = self._expect_state(to_state, allow_state_solution=True, only_local_states=True) from_state = self._expect_state(from_state, allow_state_solution=True, only_local_states=True) if to_state == from_state: error("The two states cannot be the same.") if (to_state.sym, from_state.sym) in self.rates: error("Rate between state {0} and {1} is already "\ "registered.".format(from_state, to_state)) # FIXME: It should also not be possible to include other # states in the markov model, right? syms_expr = symbols_from_expr(expr) if to_state.sym in syms_expr or from_state.sym in syms_expr: error("The rate expression cannot be dependent on the "\ "states it connects.") # Create a RateExpression obj = RateExpression(to_state, from_state, expr) self._register_component_object(obj) # Store the rate sym in the rate dict self.rates._register_single_rate(to_state.sym, from_state.sym, obj.sym)
[docs] def finalize_component(self): """ Called whenever the component should be finalized """ if self._is_finalized: return # A flag to allow adding of for example Markov model rates self._is_finalizing = True # If component is a Markov model if self.rates: self._finalize_markov_model() if not self.is_locally_complete: error("Cannot finalize component '{0}'. It is "\ "not complete.".format(self)) self._is_finalizing = False self._is_finalized = True
def _finalize_markov_model(self): """ Finalize a markov model """ # Derivatives states = self.states derivatives = defaultdict(lambda : sp.sympify(0.0)) rate_check = defaultdict(lambda : 0) # Build rate information and check that each rate is added in a # symetric way used_states = [0]*self.num_states for rate in self.rate_expressions: # Get the states to_state, from_state = rate.states # Add to derivatives of the two states derivatives[from_state] -= rate.sym*from_state.sym derivatives[to_state] += rate.sym*from_state.sym if isinstance(from_state, StateSolution): from_state = from_state.state if isinstance(to_state, StateSolution): to_state = to_state.state # Register rate ind_from = states.index(from_state) ind_to = states.index(to_state) ind_tuple = (min(ind_from, ind_to), max(ind_from, ind_to)) rate_check[ind_tuple] += 1 used_states[ind_from] = 1 used_states[ind_to] = 1 # Check used states if 0 in used_states: error("No rate registered for state {0}".format(\ states[used_states.find(0)])) # Check rate symetry for (ind_from, ind_to), times in list(rate_check.items()): if times != 2: error("Only one rate between the states {0} and {1} was "\ "registered, expected two.".format(\ states[ind_from], states[ind_to])) # Add derivatives for state in states: # Skip solved states if not isinstance(state, State) or state.is_solved: continue self.add_derivative(state, state.time.sym, derivatives[state])