
This code is to create a fractal tree over a surface discretized by triangles. It was developed to create a representation of the Purkinje network in the ventricles of the human heart.

Note that this is a rewrite of the original code found at fsahli/fractal-tree

The details of the algorithm are presented in this article. If you are going to use this code, please cite:

Generating Purkinje networks in the human heart. F. Sahli Costabal, D. Hurtado and E. Kuhl. Journal of Biomechanics, doi:10.1016/j.jbiomech.2015.12.025


You can install the library with pip

python3 -m pip install fractal-tree

Note that you also need a way to load the mesh from e.g gmsh or another meshing tool. For this we recommend to use meshio as it support the most common formats.

Getting started#

The following illustrates a minimal example, assuming that you have surface mesh called sphere.obj in your current directory.

import meshio
import numpy as np
from fractal_tree import generate_fractal_tree, FractalTreeParameters, Mesh

msh ="sphere.obj")
mesh = Mesh(verts=msh.points, connectivity=msh.cells[0].data)
param = FractalTreeParameters(
results = generate_fractal_tree(mesh, param)

For a more elaborate example you can checkout the gmsh example.



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