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Command line interface

The primary usage of gotranx is through the command line interface. For this demonstration we will use a pre-made model that is hosted in the CellML repository. In particular we will be using the original Noble model from 1962 which is probably one of the simplest models for modeling cardiac cells.

First we download the model from the CellML repository either by cloning the git repo

git clone
vising the model page and downloading the model manually. Once downloaded you will find the following files
├── noble_1962
   ├── hodgkin_1952.png
   ├── noble_1962.cellml
   ├── noble_1962.sedml
   ├── noble_1962.session.xml
   ├── noble_1962.svg
   └── noble_1962.xul
The model itself is defined in the .cellml file called noble_1962.cellml. The cellml format is a format similar to XML.

Converting from .cellml to .ode

We will now convert the .cellml file to a .ode file using the following command

python3 -m gotranx convert noble_1962.cellml --to .ode
which gives the following output
$ python3 -m gotranx convert noble_1962.cellml --to .ode
2024-02-21 12:37:59 [info     ] Converting /Users/finsberg/local/src/gotran-parser/demo/noble_1962/noble_1962.cellml to gotran ode file
2024-02-21 12:37:59 [info     ] Wrote /Users/finsberg/local/src/gotran-parser/demo/noble_1962/noble_1962.ode
2024-02-21 12:37:59 [info     ] Wrote /Users/finsberg/local/src/gotran-parser/demo/noble_1962/noble_1962.ode
We see now that a new file noble_1962.ode has been created with the following content
V=ScalarParam(-87, unit="mV", description="")

h=ScalarParam(0.8, unit="1", description="")

m=ScalarParam(0.01, unit="1", description="")

n=ScalarParam(0.01, unit="1", description="")

Cm=ScalarParam(12.0, unit="uF", description="")

E_L=ScalarParam(-60.0, unit="mV", description=""),
g_L=ScalarParam(75.0, unit="uS", description="")

E_Na=ScalarParam(40.0, unit="mV", description=""),
g_Na_max=ScalarParam(400000.0, unit="uS", description="")

alpha_h = 170.0*exp((-V - 1*90.0)/20.0) # S/F
beta_h = 1000.0/(exp((-V - 1*42.0)/10.0) + 1.0) # S/F
dh_dt = alpha_h*(1.0 - h) - beta_h*h

alpha_m = (100.0*(-V - 1*48.0))/(exp((-V - 1*48.0)/15.0) - 1*1.0) # S/F
beta_m = (120.0*(V + 8.0))/(exp((V + 8.0)/5.0) - 1*1.0) # S/F
dm_dt = alpha_m*(1.0 - m) - beta_m*m

alpha_n = (0.1*(-V - 1*50.0))/(exp((-V - 1*50.0)/10.0) - 1*1.0) # S/F
beta_n = 2.0*exp((-V - 1*90.0)/80.0) # S/F
dn_dt = alpha_n*(1.0 - n) - beta_n*n

g_K1 = 1200.0*exp((-V - 1*90.0)/50.0) + 15.0*exp((V + 90.0)/60.0) # uS
g_K2 = 1200.0*n**4.0 # uS
i_K = (V + 100.0)*(g_K1 + g_K2) # nA

g_Na = g_Na_max*(h*m**3.0) # uS
i_Na = (-E_Na + V)*(g_Na + 140.0) # nA

i_Leak = g_L*(-E_L + V) # nA

dV_dt = (-(i_Leak + (i_K + i_Na)))/Cm # mV

Generating source code

Now that we have a .ode file we can use this to generate source code in python that can be used to solve the ODE. To to this we can use the command

python3 -m gotranx convert noble_1962.ode --to .py

Either to at .c file

python3 -m gotranx convert noble_1962.ode --to .c
or to a .h file
python3 -m gotranx convert noble_1962.ode --to .h

This will generate a source code file for the given extension, containing the following functions

  • parameter_index
  • state_index
  • monitor_index
  • init_parameter_values
  • init_states_values
  • rhs
  • monitor

You will find more information about the different functions further down in this document.

In the case of Python the source code will be saved in a file called, and we could use this code as follows

import noble_1962 as model
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

T = 5  # Unit is in seconds

# Get default initial state values but add a custom value for V
y = model.init_state_values(V=-86)
# Get default parameter values but add a custom value for Cm
p = model.init_parameter_values(Cm=11)
t = np.linspace(0, T, 1000)

res = solve_ivp(model.rhs, (0, T), y, t_eval=t, method="Radau", args=(p,))

V_index = model.state_index("V")
i_K_index = model.monitor_index("i_K")

monitor = model.monitor(res.t, res.y, p)
i_K = monitor[i_K_index, :]

fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True)
ax[0].plot(res.t, res.y[V_index, :])
ax[0].set_title("Membrane potential")
ax[1].plot(res.t, i_K)
ax[1].set_title("Potassium current")

Which will produce the following figure Noble 1962

Here we have also used scipy.integrate.solve_ivp for solving the initial value problem.

Generating schemes for ODE

In the example above we only generated the right hand side (function rhs) which can be passed solve_ivp, but it might be more appropriate to use a specific numerical scheme for solving the ODE. One example of a numerical scheme is the forward euler scheme. Another popular scheme for solving cardiac cell models is the Generalized Rush Larsen scheme.

We can generate this scheme using the following command

python3 -m gotranx convert noble_1962.ode --to .py --scheme forward_generalized_rush_larsen

The file will now also contain the function

def forward_generalized_rush_larsen(states, t, dt, parameters): ...

and we can now solve the problem with the following program

import noble_1962 as model
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

y = model.init_state_values()
p = model.init_parameter_values()
dt = 1e-4  # 0.1 ms
T = 5
t = np.arange(0, T, dt)

V_index = model.state_index("V")
V = [y[V_index]]

for ti in t[1:]:
    y = model.forward_generalized_rush_larsen(y, ti, dt, p)

plt.plot(t, V)

Overview of functions


Function to get the index of a parameter

def parameter_index(name: str) -> int:
    """Return the index of the parameter with the given name

    name : str
        The name of the parameter

        The index of the parameter

        If the name is not a valid parameter

    data = {"Cm": 0, "E_L": 1, "E_Na": 2, "g_L": 3, "g_Na_max": 4}
    return data[name]
// Parameter index
int parameter_index(const char name[])

    if (strcmp(name, "Cm") == 0)
        return 0;

    else if (strcmp(name, "E_L") == 0)
        return 1;

    else if (strcmp(name, "E_Na") == 0)
        return 2;

    else if (strcmp(name, "g_L") == 0)
        return 3;

    else if (strcmp(name, "g_Na_max") == 0)
        return 4;

    return -1;


Function to get the index of a state variable

def state_index(name: str) -> int:
    """Return the index of the state with the given name

    name : str
        The name of the state

        The index of the state

        If the name is not a valid state

    data = {"h": 0, "m": 1, "n": 2, "V": 3}
    return data[name]
// State index
int state_index(const char name[])

    if (strcmp(name, "h") == 0)
        return 0;

    else if (strcmp(name, "m") == 0)
        return 1;

    else if (strcmp(name, "n") == 0)
        return 2;

    else if (strcmp(name, "V") == 0)
        return 3;

    return -1;


Function to get the index of a monitor or intermediate variable

def monitor_index(name: str) -> int:
    """Return the index of the monitor with the given name

    name : str
        The name of the monitor

        The index of the monitor

        If the name is not a valid monitor

    data = {
        "alpha_h": 0,
        "alpha_m": 1,
        "alpha_n": 2,
        "beta_h": 3,
        "beta_m": 4,
        "beta_n": 5,
        "g_K1": 6,
        "g_K2": 7,
        "g_Na": 8,
        "i_Leak": 9,
        "dh_dt": 10,
        "dm_dt": 11,
        "dn_dt": 12,
        "i_K": 13,
        "i_Na": 14,
        "dV_dt": 15,
    return data[name]
// Monitor index
int monitor_index(const char name[])

    if (strcmp(name, "alpha_h") == 0)
        return 0;

    else if (strcmp(name, "alpha_m") == 0)
        return 1;

    else if (strcmp(name, "alpha_n") == 0)
        return 2;

    else if (strcmp(name, "beta_h") == 0)
        return 3;

    else if (strcmp(name, "beta_m") == 0)
        return 4;

    else if (strcmp(name, "beta_n") == 0)
        return 5;

    else if (strcmp(name, "g_K1") == 0)
        return 6;

    else if (strcmp(name, "g_K2") == 0)
        return 7;

    else if (strcmp(name, "g_Na") == 0)
        return 8;

    else if (strcmp(name, "i_Leak") == 0)
        return 9;

    else if (strcmp(name, "dh_dt") == 0)
        return 10;

    else if (strcmp(name, "dm_dt") == 0)
        return 11;

    else if (strcmp(name, "dn_dt") == 0)
        return 12;

    else if (strcmp(name, "i_K") == 0)
        return 13;

    else if (strcmp(name, "i_Na") == 0)
        return 14;

    else if (strcmp(name, "dV_dt") == 0)
        return 15;

    return -1;