The K.G. Jebsen Centre for Brain Fluid Research
The K.G. Jebsen Centre for Brain Fluid Research, led by Professor Per Kristian Eide from the University of Oslo and Deputy Director Marie E. Rognes from Simula, is a collaborative initiative hosted by the University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital, with Simula as a major partner. The center aims to translate a decade of groundbreaking research in mathematical sciences and basic neurosciences into clinical medicine, focusing on new diagnostics and therapies for dementia and brain cancer.
The center’s three primary research goals are to develop imaging- and blood-based biomarkers for precision diagnosis of dementia, create new tools for the precision treatment of brain cancer, and gain a fundamental understanding of the mechanisms underlying brain solute transport and clearance. These objectives are supported by cutting-edge computational mathematics, including physics-based models, simulation technology, and artificial intelligence.
Simula will lead the center’s computational and translational mathematics activities, aiming to integrate MR imaging data and prior knowledge of brain clearance into personalized computational models. By combining artificial intelligence and data-driven techniques with brain physics-based mathematical models, the center hopes to leverage the best of both worlds.
The consortium consists of clinical scientists in neuro-medicine and dementia, neuroimaging scientists in radiology, medical physics, and nuclear medicine, basic neuroscientists specializing in in vivo rodent imaging, and experts in mathematics, pharmacokinetic modeling, and statistics. This interdisciplinary group has been at the forefront of international research, pioneering novel human imaging techniques for brain-wide extravascular solute transport and blood-based biomarkers of cerebrospinal fluid-to-blood clearance.
The K.G. Jebsen Centre for Brain Fluid Research consolidates this unique interdisciplinary research group to further bridge the gap between basic and clinical neuroscience. The vision of the center is to usher in a new era of translational brain fluid research, fostering significant breakthroughs in the diagnostics and treatment of a wide range of brain diseases, including neurodegenerative and neuro-inflammatory diseases, brain cancer, and cerebral bleeds.