Gotran - General ODE TRAnslator


  • provides a Python interface to declare arbitrary ODEs.
  • provides an interface for generating CUDA/C/C++/Python/Matlab code for a number of functions including the right hand side and symbolic generation of a Jacobian.
  • is intentionally lightweight, and could be interfaced by other Python libraries needing functionalities to abstract a general ODE.
  • depends on NumPy, and on SymPy. See further instructions in …
  • can load models from external ODE desciption files such as CellML

Source code can be found at See the installation instructions for details on how to install Gotran.


You can install gotran with either with pip:

pip install gotran

or if you want the latest features, you can install from source:

pip install git+

Source code

Gotran is orginally developed by Johan Hake, and the original source code can be found in his repoistory. The current maintained version can be foud here.


The main contributors are



Programmers reference:

Indices and tables