import logging
import typing
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from functools import partial
import dolfinx
import numpy as np
import ufl
from .. import exceptions, functions, invariants
from ..material_model import HyperElasticMaterial
from ..units import Variable
Invariant = typing.Callable[[ufl.core.expr.Expr], ufl.core.expr.Expr]
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def heaviside(x: ufl.core.expr.Expr, use_heaviside: bool) -> ufl.core.expr.Expr:
if use_heaviside:
return functions.heaviside(x)
return ufl.as_ufl(1.0)
class HolzapfelOgden(HyperElasticMaterial):
Orthotropic model by Holzapfel and Ogden
f0: dolfinx.fem.Function | dolfinx.fem.Constant | None
Function representing the direction of the fibers
s0: dolfinx.fem.Function | dolfinx.fem.Constant | None
Function representing the direction of the sheets
a: float | dolfinx.fem.Function | dolfinx.fem.Constant
Material parameter, by default 0.0
b: float | dolfinx.fem.Function | dolfinx.fem.Constant
Material parameter, by default 0.0
a_f: float | dolfinx.fem.Function | dolfinx.fem.Constant
Material parameter, by default 0.0
b_f: float | dolfinx.fem.Function | dolfinx.fem.Constant
Material parameter, by default 0.0
a_s: float | dolfinx.fem.Function | dolfinx.fem.Constant
Material parameter, by default 0.0
b_s: float | dolfinx.fem.Function | dolfinx.fem.Constant
Material parameter, by default 0.0
a_fs: float | dolfinx.fem.Function | dolfinx.fem.Constant
Material parameter, by default 0.0
b_fs: float | dolfinx.fem.Function | dolfinx.fem.Constant
Material parameter, by default 0.0
use_subplus: bool
Use subplus function when computing anisotropic contribution,
by default True
use_heaviside: bool
Use heaviside function when computing anisotropic contribution,
by default True
Original model from Holzapfel and Ogden [1]_.
The strain energy density function is given by
.. math::
\Psi(I_1, I_{4\mathbf{f}_0}, I_{4\mathbf{s}_0}, I_{8\mathbf{f}_0\mathbf{s}_0})
= \frac{a}{2 b} \left( e^{ b (I_1 - 3)} -1 \right)
+ \frac{a_f}{2 b_f} \mathcal{H}(I_{4\mathbf{f}_0} - 1)
\left( e^{ b_f (I_{4\mathbf{f}_0} - 1)_+^2} -1 \right)
+ \frac{a_s}{2 b_s} \mathcal{H}(I_{4\mathbf{s}_0} - 1)
\left( e^{ b_s (I_{4\mathbf{s}_0} - 1)_+^2} -1 \right)
+ \frac{a_{fs}}{2 b_{fs}} \left( e^{ b_{fs}
I_{8 \mathbf{f}_0 \mathbf{s}_0}^2} -1 \right)
.. math::
(x)_+ = \max\{x,0\}
.. math::
\mathcal{H}(x) = \begin{cases}
1, & \text{if $x > 0$} \\
0, & \text{if $x \leq 0$}
is the Heaviside function.
.. [1] Holzapfel, Gerhard A., and Ray W. Ogden.
"Constitutive modelling of passive myocardium:
a structurally based framework for material characterization.
"Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A:
Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 367.1902 (2009):
f0: dolfinx.fem.Function | dolfinx.fem.Constant | None = None
s0: dolfinx.fem.Function | dolfinx.fem.Constant | None = None
a: Variable = field(default_factory=lambda: Variable(0.0, "kPa"))
b: Variable = field(default_factory=lambda: Variable(0.0, "dimensionless"))
a_f: Variable = field(default_factory=lambda: Variable(0.0, "kPa"))
b_f: Variable = field(default_factory=lambda: Variable(0.0, "dimensionless"))
a_s: Variable = field(default_factory=lambda: Variable(0.0, "kPa"))
b_s: Variable = field(default_factory=lambda: Variable(0.0, "dimensionless"))
a_fs: Variable = field(default_factory=lambda: Variable(0.0, "kPa"))
b_fs: Variable = field(default_factory=lambda: Variable(0.0, "dimensionless"))
use_subplus: bool = field(default=True, repr=False)
use_heaviside: bool = field(default=True, repr=False)
_W1_func: Invariant = field(
_W4f_func: Invariant = field(
_W4s_func: Invariant = field(
_W8fs_func: Invariant = field(
_I4f: Invariant = field(
_I4s: Invariant = field(
_I8fs: Invariant = field(
def __post_init__(self):
# Check that all values are positive
for attr in ["a", "b", "a_f", "b_f", "a_s", "a_s", "a_fs", "b_fs"]:
p = getattr(self, attr)
if not isinstance(p, Variable):
unit = "dimensionless" if attr.startswith("b") else "kPa"
if attr.startswith("a"):
logger.warning("Setting %s to %s %s", attr, p, unit)
p = Variable(p, unit)
setattr(self, attr, p)
if not exceptions.check_value_greater_than(
getattr(self, attr).value,
raise exceptions.InvalidRangeError(
expected_range=(0.0, np.inf),
if self.f0 is not None:
self._I4f = partial(invariants.I4, a0=self.f0)
self._I4f = lambda x: 0.0
if self.s0 is not None:
self._I4s = partial(invariants.I4, a0=self.s0)
self._I4s = lambda x: 0.0
if self.f0 is not None and self.s0 is not None:
self._I8fs = partial(invariants.I8, a0=self.f0, b0=self.s0)
self._I8fs = lambda x: 0.0
a_f = self.a_f
b_f = self.b_f
a_s = self.a_s
b_s = self.b_s
self._W1_func = self._resolve_W1()
self._W4f_func = self._resolve_W4(a=a_f, b=b_f, required_attr="f0")
self._W4s_func = self._resolve_W4(a=a_s, b=b_s, required_attr="s0")
self._W8fs_func = self._resolve_W8fs()
def _resolve_W1(self) -> Invariant:
a = self.a.to_base_units()
b = self.b.to_base_units()
if exceptions.check_value_greater_than(self.a.value, 1e-10):
if exceptions.check_value_greater_than(self.b.value, 1e-10):
return lambda I1: (a / (2.0 * b)) * (ufl.exp(b * (I1 - 3)) - 1.0)
return lambda I1: (a / 2.0) * (I1 - 3)
return lambda I1: 0.0
def _resolve_W4(self, a: Variable, b: Variable, required_attr: str) -> Invariant:
subplus = functions.subplus if self.use_subplus else lambda x: x
if exceptions.check_value_greater_than(a.value, 1e-10):
a0 = getattr(self, required_attr)
if a0 is None:
raise exceptions.MissingModelAttribute(
if exceptions.check_value_greater_than(b.value, 1e-10):
return (
lambda I4: (a.to_base_units() / (2.0 * b.to_base_units()))
* heaviside(I4 - 1, use_heaviside=self.use_heaviside)
* (ufl.exp(b.to_base_units() * subplus(I4 - 1) ** 2) - 1.0)
return (
lambda I4: (a.to_base_units() / 2.0)
* heaviside(I4 - 1, use_heaviside=self.use_heaviside)
* subplus(I4 - 1) ** 2
return lambda I4: 0.0
def _resolve_W8fs(self) -> Invariant:
a_fs = self.a_fs.to_base_units()
b_fs = self.b_fs.to_base_units()
if exceptions.check_value_greater_than(self.a_fs.value, 1e-10):
if self.f0 is None or self.s0 is None:
raise exceptions.MissingModelAttribute(
attr="f0 and/or s0",
if exceptions.check_value_greater_than(self.b_fs.value, 1e-10):
return lambda I8: a_fs / (2.0 * b_fs) * (ufl.exp(b_fs * I8**2) - 1.0)
return lambda I8: a_fs / 2.0 * I8**2
return lambda I8: 0.0
def transversely_isotropic_parameters() -> dict[str, Variable]:
Material parameters for the Holzapfel Ogden model
Taken from Table 1 row 3 in the main paper
return {
"a": Variable(2.280, "kPa"),
"b": Variable(9.726, "dimensionless"),
"a_f": Variable(1.685, "kPa"),
"b_f": Variable(15.779, "dimensionless"),
"a_s": Variable(0.0, "kPa"),
"b_s": Variable(0.0, "dimensionless"),
"a_fs": Variable(0.0, "kPa"),
"b_fs": Variable(0.0, "dimensionless"),
def partly_orthotropic_parameters() -> dict[str, Variable]:
Material parameters for the Holzapfel Ogden model
Taken from Table 1 row 1 in the main paper
return {
"a": Variable(0.057, "kPa"),
"b": Variable(8.094, "dimensionless"),
"a_f": Variable(21.503, "kPa"),
"b_f": Variable(15.819, "dimensionless"),
"a_s": Variable(6.841, "kPa"),
"b_s": Variable(6.959, "dimensionless"),
"a_fs": Variable(0.0, "kPa"),
"b_fs": Variable(0.0, "dimensionless"),
def orthotropic_parameters() -> dict[str, Variable]:
Material parameters for the Holzapfel Ogden model
Taken from Table 1 row 2 in the main paper
return {
"a": Variable(0.059, "kPa"),
"b": Variable(8.023, "dimensionless"),
"a_f": Variable(18.472, "kPa"),
"b_f": Variable(16.026, "dimensionless"),
"a_s": Variable(2.481, "kPa"),
"b_s": Variable(11.120, "dimensionless"),
"a_fs": Variable(0.216, "kPa"),
"b_fs": Variable(11.436, "dimensionless"),
def _W1(self, I1: ufl.core.expr.Expr) -> ufl.core.expr.Expr:
return self._W1_func(I1)
def _W4f(self, I4f: ufl.core.expr.Expr) -> ufl.core.expr.Expr:
return self._W4f_func(I4f)
def _W4s(self, I4s: ufl.core.expr.Expr) -> ufl.core.expr.Expr:
return self._W4s_func(I4s)
def _W8fs(self, I8fs: ufl.core.expr.Expr) -> ufl.core.expr.Expr:
return self._W8fs_func(I8fs)
def strain_energy(self, F: ufl.core.expr.Expr) -> ufl.core.expr.Expr:
I1 = invariants.I1(F)
I4f = self._I4f(F)
I4s = self._I4s(F)
I8fs = self._I8fs(F)
return self._W1(I1) + self._W4f(I4f) + self._W4s(I4s) + self._W8fs(I8fs)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return (
"a/2b (exp(b(I1 - 3)) - 1) + "
"af/2bf H(I4f - 1) (exp(bf (I4f - 1)_+^2) - 1) + "
"as/2bs H(I4s - 1) (exp(bs (I4s - 1)_+^2) - 1) + "
"afs/2bfs (exp(bfs I8fs^2) - 1)"