API reference#
- class gotranx.Component(name: str, states: frozenset[State], parameters: frozenset[Parameter], assignments: frozenset[Assignment])[source]#
A Component is a collection of states, parameters and assignments that are given the same tag. This is useful if you have a complicated set of equations and need to group them together.
- Raises:
StateNotFound – If component contains a state derivative but not the State
- class gotranx.ODE(components: Sequence[BaseComponent], t: Symbol | None = None, name: str = 'ODE', comments: Sequence[Comment] | None = None)[source]#
A class representing an ODE
- Parameters:
components (Sequence[gotranx.ode_component.BaseComponent]) – The components of the ODE
t (sp.Symbol | None, optional) – Symbol representing time, by default None
name (str, optional) – Name of the ODE, by default “ODE”
comments (Sequence[atoms.Comment] | None, optional) – List of comments, by default None
- Raises:
exceptions.DuplicateSymbolError – If a symbol is duplicated
- get_component(name: str) BaseComponent [source]#
Get a component by name
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the component
- property intermediates: tuple[Intermediate, ...]#
Get all intermediates in the ODE sorted by name
- property missing_variables: dict[str, int]#
Get a dictionary of missing variables for each component
This is relevant if you have different sub odes where the states in one sub ode is a parameter in another sub ode
- property num_components: int#
Get the number of components in the ODE
- property num_parameters: int#
Get the number of parameters in the ODE
- property num_states: int#
Get the number of states in the ODE
- save(path: Path) None [source]#
Save the ODE to a file
- Parameters:
path (Path) – The path to save the ODE to
- sorted_assignments(assignments_only: bool = True, remove_unused: bool = False) tuple[Assignment, ...] [source]#
Get the assignments in the ODE sorted by dependencies
- Parameters:
assignments_only (bool, optional) – If True only return assignments otherwise you can include states and parameters as well, by default True
remove_unused (bool, optional) – Remove unused variables, by default False
- Returns:
The sorted assignments
- Return type:
tuple[atoms.Assignment, …]
- sorted_state_derivatives() tuple[StateDerivative, ...] [source]#
Get the state derivatives in the ODE sorted by dependencies
- property state_derivatives: tuple[StateDerivative, ...]#
Get all state derivatives in the ODE sorted by name
- property symbols: dict[str, Symbol]#
Get a dictionary of all symbols in the ODE with the symbol name as key and the symbol as value
- class gotranx.TreeToODE(visit_tokens: bool = True)[source]#
Transform a lark tree to an ODE
See https://lark-parser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/recipes.html for more information on how to use lark transformers.
- expressions(s) tuple[Assignment, ...] [source]#
Convert a list of expressions to atoms.Assignment
- ode(s) LarkODE [source]#
Convert a lark tree to an ODE
- Parameters:
s (list[Any]) – List of objects that could by states, parameters or assignments
- Returns:
A tuple of components and comments
- Return type:
- gotranx.get_scheme(scheme: str) scheme_func [source]#
Get the scheme function from a string
- gotranx.load_ode(path: str | Path) ODE [source]#
Load an ODE from a file
- Parameters:
path (str | Path) – Path to the file
- Returns:
- Return type:
- Raises:
exceptions.ODEFileNotFound – Raised if the file is not found
- class gotranx.atoms.Assignment(*, name: str, components: tuple[str, ...] = ('',), description: str | None = None, symbol: Symbol | None = None, unit_str: str | None = None, unit: Unit | None = None, value: Expression | None, expr: Expr = 0, comment: Comment | None = None)[source]#
Assignments are object of the form name = value.
- remove_singularities(lookup: dict[str, Atom]) Assignment [source]#
Remove singularities from the assignment
- Parameters:
lookup (dict[str, Atom]) – A lookup table for atoms
- Returns:
A new assignment with singularities removed
- Return type:
- resolve_expression(symbols: dict[str, Symbol]) Assignment [source]#
Resolve the expression of the assignment by building the sympy expression from the expression tree
- Parameters:
symbols (dict[str, sp.Symbol]) – A dictionary of all symbols in the model
- Returns:
A new Assignment object with the resolved expression
- Return type:
- Raises:
exceptions.ResolveExpressionError – If the expression is not set
- simplify() Assignment [source]#
Simplify the expression of the assignment using sympy’s simplify function. This function returns a new Assignment object with the simplified expression.
- singularities(lookup: dict[str, Atom]) frozenset[Singularity] [source]#
Check if the expression has any singularities and return a list of singularities
- to_intermediate() Intermediate [source]#
Convert the Assignment to an Intermediate
- to_state_derivative(state: State) StateDerivative [source]#
Convert the Assignment to a StateDerivative
- Parameters:
state (State) – The associated state
- class gotranx.atoms.Atom(*, name: str, value: float | Expression | sp.core.Number | None, components: tuple[str, ...] = ('',), description: str | None = None, symbol: sp.Symbol = None, unit_str: str | None = None, unit: pint.Unit | None = None)[source]#
Base class for atoms
- class gotranx.atoms.Comment(text: str)[source]#
A comment is a string that is not parsed by the parser. It is used to add human readable information to the model.
- class gotranx.atoms.Expression(*, tree: Tree)[source]#
An Expression is a group of variables (i.e states, parameters or other expressions) combined with binary operations (i.e +, -, * etc) An Expression is typically a right hand side of an assignment.
- class gotranx.atoms.Intermediate(*, name: str, components: tuple[str, ...] = ('',), description: str | None = None, symbol: Symbol | None = None, unit_str: str | None = None, unit: Unit | None = None, value: Expression | None, expr: Expr = 0, comment: Comment | None = None)[source]#
Intermediate is a type of Assignment that is not a StateDerivative
- class gotranx.atoms.Parameter(*, name: str, components: tuple[str, ...] = ('',), description: str | None = None, symbol: Symbol | None = None, unit_str: str | None = None, unit: Unit | None = None, value: float | Number)[source]#
A Parameter is a constant scalar value
- class gotranx.atoms.State(*, name: str, components: tuple[str, ...] = ('',), description: str | None = None, symbol: Symbol | None = None, unit_str: str | None = None, unit: Unit | None = None, value: float | Number)[source]#
A State is a variable that also has a corresponding state derivative.
- class gotranx.atoms.StateDerivative(*, name: str, components: tuple[str, ...] = ('',), description: str | None = None, symbol: Symbol | None = None, unit_str: str | None = None, unit: Unit | None = None, value: Expression | None, expr: Expr = 0, comment: Comment | None = None, state: State)[source]#
A StateDerivative is an Assignment of the form dX_dt = value where X is a state. A StatedDerivative also holds a pointer to the State
- resolve_expression(symbols: dict[str, Symbol]) Assignment [source]#
Resolve the expression of the assignment by building the sympy expression from the expression tree
- Parameters:
symbols (dict[str, sp.Symbol]) – A dictionary of all symbols in the model
- Returns:
A new Assignment object with the resolved expression
- Return type:
- Raises:
exceptions.ResolveExpressionError – If the expression is not set
- class gotranx.atoms.TimeDependentState(*, name: str, components: tuple[str, ...] = ('',), description: str | None = None, unit_str: str | None = None, unit: Unit | None = None, value: float | Number, symbol: Function)[source]#
A TimeDependentState is a State, where the symbol is a sympy Function instead of a pure Symbol.
- gotranx.atoms.remove_singularities(expr: Expr, singularities: frozenset[Singularity]) Expr [source]#
Remove singularities from an expression recursively using Conditionals
- Parameters:
expr (sp.Expr) – The expression
singularities (frozenset[Singularity]) – The singularities
- Returns:
The expression with singularities removed
- Return type:
- exception gotranx.exceptions.AssignmentNotFoundInComponent(assignment_name: 'str', component_name: 'str')[source]#
- exception gotranx.exceptions.ComponentNotCompleteError(component_name: 'str', missing_state_derivatives: 'list[str]')[source]#
- exception gotranx.exceptions.ParameterNotFoundInComponent(parameter_name: 'str', component_name: 'str')[source]#
- gotranx.expressions.binary_op(op: str, fst, snd)[source]#
Binary operation
- Parameters:
op (str) – Operation to perform
fst (sp.Expr) – First argument
snd (sp.Expr) – Second argument
- Returns:
The result of the operation
- Return type:
- gotranx.expressions.build_expression(root: Tree, symbols: dict[str, Symbol] | None = None) Expr [source]#
Build a sympy expression from a lark tree
- Parameters:
root (lark.Tree) – The root of the tree
symbols (dict[str, sp.Symbol], optional) – A dictionary with symbols, by default None
- Returns:
The sympy expression
- Return type:
- gotranx.load.load_ode(path: str | Path) ODE [source]#
Load an ODE from a file
- Parameters:
path (str | Path) – Path to the file
- Returns:
- Return type:
- Raises:
exceptions.ODEFileNotFound – Raised if the file is not found
- gotranx.myokit.cellml_to_gotran(filename: str | Path) ODE [source]#
Convert a cellml file to gotran ODE by via myokit
- Parameters:
filename (str | Path) – The filename of the cellml file
- Returns:
The gotran ODE
- Return type:
- gotranx.myokit.extract_nested_variables(model: Model) tuple[dict[Symbol, Symbol], dict[str, dict[Symbol, Symbol]]] [source]#
Extract nested variables from myokit model
- Parameters:
model (myokit.Model) – The myokit model
- Returns:
A tuple containing all substitutions and component substitutions
- Return type:
tuple[dict[sp.Symbol, sp.Symbol], dict[str, dict[sp.Symbol, sp.Symbol]]]
- gotranx.myokit.extract_unit(unit: str) str [source]#
- gotranx.myokit.extract_unit(unit: None) None
Extract unit from myokit unit
- Parameters:
unit (str | None) – The myokit unit
- Returns:
Return the unit as a string
- Return type:
str | None
- gotranx.myokit.gotran_to_cellml(ode: ODE, filename: str | Path) None [source]#
Convert a gotran ODE to cellml file via myokit
- Parameters:
ode (gotranx.ode.ODE) – The gotran ODE
filename (str | Path) – The filename of the cellml file
- gotranx.myokit.gotran_to_myokit(ode: ODE, time_component='engine', time_unit='s') Model [source]#
Convert a gotran ODE to myokit model
- Parameters:
ode (gotranx.ode.ODE) – The gotran ODE
- Returns:
The myokit model
- Return type:
- gotranx.myokit.mmt_to_gotran(filename: str | Path) ODE [source]#
Convert a myokit model to gotran ODE
- Parameters:
filename (str | Path) – The filename of the myokit model
- Returns:
The gotran ODE
- Return type:
- class gotranx.ode.AllAtoms(symbol_names, symbol_values, symbols, lookup)[source]#
- symbol_names: list[str]#
Alias for field number 0
- symbol_values: dict[str, set[Any]]#
Alias for field number 1
- symbols: dict[str, Symbol]#
Alias for field number 2
- class gotranx.ode.ODE(components: Sequence[BaseComponent], t: Symbol | None = None, name: str = 'ODE', comments: Sequence[Comment] | None = None)[source]#
A class representing an ODE
- Parameters:
components (Sequence[gotranx.ode_component.BaseComponent]) – The components of the ODE
t (sp.Symbol | None, optional) – Symbol representing time, by default None
name (str, optional) – Name of the ODE, by default “ODE”
comments (Sequence[atoms.Comment] | None, optional) – List of comments, by default None
- Raises:
exceptions.DuplicateSymbolError – If a symbol is duplicated
- get_component(name: str) BaseComponent [source]#
Get a component by name
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the component
- property intermediates: tuple[Intermediate, ...]#
Get all intermediates in the ODE sorted by name
- property missing_variables: dict[str, int]#
Get a dictionary of missing variables for each component
This is relevant if you have different sub odes where the states in one sub ode is a parameter in another sub ode
- property num_components: int#
Get the number of components in the ODE
- property num_parameters: int#
Get the number of parameters in the ODE
- property num_states: int#
Get the number of states in the ODE
- save(path: Path) None [source]#
Save the ODE to a file
- Parameters:
path (Path) – The path to save the ODE to
- sorted_assignments(assignments_only: bool = True, remove_unused: bool = False) tuple[Assignment, ...] [source]#
Get the assignments in the ODE sorted by dependencies
- Parameters:
assignments_only (bool, optional) – If True only return assignments otherwise you can include states and parameters as well, by default True
remove_unused (bool, optional) – Remove unused variables, by default False
- Returns:
The sorted assignments
- Return type:
tuple[atoms.Assignment, …]
- sorted_state_derivatives() tuple[StateDerivative, ...] [source]#
Get the state derivatives in the ODE sorted by dependencies
- property state_derivatives: tuple[StateDerivative, ...]#
Get all state derivatives in the ODE sorted by name
- property symbols: dict[str, Symbol]#
Get a dictionary of all symbols in the ODE with the symbol name as key and the symbol as value
- gotranx.ode.add_temporal_state(components: Sequence[BaseComponent], t: Symbol) tuple[Component, ...] [source]#
Add a temporal state to all components
- Parameters:
components (Sequence[gotranx.ode_component.BaseComponent]) – The components to add the temporal state to
t (sp.Symbol) – The temporal symbol
- Returns:
The new components with the temporal state
- Return type:
tuple[gotranx.ode_component.Component, …]
- gotranx.ode.check_components(components: Sequence[BaseComponent])[source]#
Check if all components are complete
- Parameters:
components (Sequence[gotranx.ode_component.BaseComponent]) – The components to check
- Raises:
exceptions.ComponentNotCompleteError – If a component is not complete
- gotranx.ode.find_duplicates(x: Iterable[T]) set[T] [source]#
Find duplicates in an iterable. Assumes type is hashable
- Parameters:
x (Iterable[T]) – The iterable with potential duplicates
- Returns:
List of duplicate values
- Return type:
- gotranx.ode.gather_atoms(components: Sequence[BaseComponent]) AllAtoms [source]#
Gather all atoms from a list of components
- Parameters:
components (Sequence[gotranx.ode_component.BaseComponent]) – The components to gather atoms from
- Returns:
A named tuple containing all atoms
- Return type:
- gotranx.ode.make_ode(components: Sequence[Component], comments: Sequence[Comment] | None = None, name: str = 'ODE') ODE [source]#
Create an ODE from a list of components
- Parameters:
components (Sequence[gotranx.ode_component.Component]) – The components to create the ODE from
comments (Sequence[atoms.Comment] | None, optional) – The a list of comments, by default None
name (str, optional) – Name of the ODE, by default “ODE”
- Returns:
- Return type:
- Raises:
exceptions.DuplicateSymbolError – If a symbol is duplicated
- gotranx.ode.resolve_expressions(components: Sequence[Component], symbols: dict[str, Symbol]) tuple[Component, ...] [source]#
Resolve all expressions in a list of components
- Parameters:
components (Sequence[gotranx.ode_component.Component]) – The components to resolve expressions in
symbols (dict[str, sp.Symbol]) – The symbols to resolve the expressions with
- Returns:
The new components with resolved expressions
- Return type:
tuple[gotranx.ode_component.Component, …]
- gotranx.ode.sort_assignments(assignments: Iterable[Assignment], assignments_only: bool = True) tuple[str, ...] [source]#
Sort assignments by dependencies using a topological sorter
- Parameters:
assignments (Iterable[atoms.Assignment]) – The assignments to sort
assignments_only (bool, optional) – If True only include assignments. If False you also include states and parameters, by default True.
- Returns:
The sorted assignments
- Return type:
tuple[str, …]
- Raises:
exceptions.GotranxError – If an assignment has a None value
- class gotranx.ode_component.BaseComponent(name: str, states: frozenset[State], parameters: frozenset[Parameter])[source]#
A Component is a collection of states, parameters and assignments that are given the same tag. This is useful if you have a complicated set of equations and need to group them together.
- Raises:
StateNotFound – If component contains a state derivative but not the State
- property atoms: frozenset[Atom]#
Returns all atoms in the component
- Returns:
All atoms in the component
- Return type:
- find_assignment(assignment_name: str) Assignment [source]#
Find a assignment by name
- Parameters:
assignment_name (str) – The name of the assignment
- Returns:
The assignment
- Return type:
- Raises:
exceptions.AssignmentNotFoundInComponent – If assignment is not found in component
- find_parameter(parameter_name: str) Parameter [source]#
Find a parameter by name
- Parameters:
parameter_name (str) – The name of the parameter
- Returns:
The parameter
- Return type:
- Raises:
exceptions.ParameterNotFoundInComponent – If parameter is not found in component
- find_state(state_name: str) State [source]#
Find a state by name
- Parameters:
state_name (str) – The name of the state
- Returns:
The state
- Return type:
- Raises:
exceptions.StateNotFoundInComponent – If state is not found in component
- property states_with_derivatives: frozenset[State]#
Returns the states that have a corresponding state derivative
- Returns:
The states that have a corresponding state derivative
- Return type:
- property states_without_derivatives: frozenset[State]#
Returns the states that do not have a corresponding state derivative
- Returns:
The states that do not have a corresponding state derivative
- Return type:
- class gotranx.ode_component.Component(name: str, states: frozenset[State], parameters: frozenset[Parameter], assignments: frozenset[Assignment])[source]#
A Component is a collection of states, parameters and assignments that are given the same tag. This is useful if you have a complicated set of equations and need to group them together.
- Raises:
StateNotFound – If component contains a state derivative but not the State
- class gotranx.ode_component.MyokitComponent(name: str, states: frozenset[State], parameters: frozenset[Parameter], state_derivatives: frozenset[StateDerivative], intermediates: frozenset[Intermediate])[source]#
A Component is a collection of states, parameters and assignments that are given the same tag. This is useful if you have a complicated set of equations and need to group them together.
- Raises:
StateNotFound – If component contains a state derivative but not the State
- gotranx.save.write_ODE_to_ode_file(ode: ODE, path: Path) None [source]#
Write an ODE to a file
- Parameters:
ode (gotranx.ode.ODE) – The ODE
path (Path) – The path to write the ODE to
- gotranx.schemes.explicit_euler(ode: ~gotranx.ode.ODE, dt: ~sympy.core.symbol.Symbol, name: str = 'values', printer: ~gotranx.schemes.printer_func = <function default_printer>, remove_unused: bool = False) list[str] [source]#
Generate forward Euler equations for the ODE
The forward Euler scheme is given by
\[x_{n+1} = x_n + dt f(x_n, t_n)\]- Parameters:
ode (gotranx.ode.ODE) – The ODE
dt (sympy.Symbol) – The time step
name (str, optional) – Name of array to be returned by the scheme, by default “values”
printer (printer_func, optional) – A code printer, by default default_printer
remove_unused (bool, optional) – Remove unused variables, by default False
- Returns:
A list of equations as strings
- Return type:
- gotranx.schemes.fraction_numerator_is_nonzero(expr)[source]#
Perform a very cheap check to detect if a fraction is definitely non-zero.
- gotranx.schemes.generalized_rush_larsen(ode: ~gotranx.ode.ODE, dt: ~sympy.core.symbol.Symbol, name: str = 'values', printer: ~gotranx.schemes.printer_func = <function default_printer>, remove_unused: bool = False, delta: float = 1e-08) list[str] [source]#
Generate the forward generalized Rush-Larsen scheme for the ODE
The forward generalized Rush-Larsen scheme is given by
\[x_{n+1} = x_n + \frac{f(x_n, t_n)}{g(x_n, t_n)} \left( e^{g(x_n, t_n) dt} - 1 \right)\]where \(g(x_n, t_n)\) is the linearization of \(f(x_n, t_n)\) around \(x_n\)
We fall back to forward Euler if the derivative is zero.
- Parameters:
ode (gotranx.ode.ODE) – The ODE
dt (sympy.Symbol) – The time step
name (str, optional) – Name of array to be returned by the scheme, by default “values”
printer (printer_func, optional) – A code printer, by default default_printer
remove_unused (bool, optional) – Remove unused variables, by default False
delta (float, optional) – Tolerance for zero division check, by default 1e-8
- Returns:
A list of equations as strings
- Return type:
- gotranx.schemes.get_scheme(scheme: str) scheme_func [source]#
Get the scheme function from a string
- gotranx.schemes.hybrid_rush_larsen(ode: ~gotranx.ode.ODE, dt: ~sympy.core.symbol.Symbol, name: str = 'values', printer: ~gotranx.schemes.printer_func = <function default_printer>, remove_unused: bool = False, delta: float = 1e-08, stiff_states: list[str] | None = None) list[str] [source]#
Generate the hybrid Rush-Larsen scheme for the ODE
The hybrid Rush-Larsen scheme follows the standard Rush_Larsen scheme is given by
\[x_{n+1} = x_n + \frac{f(x_n, t_n)}{g(x_n, t_n)} \left( e^{g(x_n, t_n) dt} - 1 \right)\]where \(g(x_n, t_n)\) is the linearization of \(f(x_n, t_n)\) around \(x_n\). The difference between the hybrid and the standard is that the user can specify which states are stiff, and the RL scheme will only be used for these states. If the derivative of a state is zero, the scheme falls back to forward Euler.
We fall back to forward Euler if the derivative is zero.
- Parameters:
ode (gotranx.ODE) – The ODE
dt (sympy.Symbol) – The time step
name (str, optional) – Name of array to be returned by the scheme, by default “values”
printer (printer_func, optional) – A code printer, by default default_printer
remove_unused (bool, optional) – Remove unused variables, by default False
delta (float, optional) – Tolerance for zero division check, by default 1e-8
stiff_states (list[str] | None, optional) – Stiff states, by default None. If no stiff states are provided, the hybrid rush larsen scheme will be the same as the explicit Euler scheme
- Returns:
A list of equations as strings
- Return type:
- gotranx.sympytools.Conditional(cond, true_value, false_value)[source]#
Declares a conditional
- Parameters:
cond (A conditional) – The conditional which should be evaluated
true_value (Any model expression) – Model expression for a true evaluation of the conditional
false_value (Any model expression) – Model expression for a false evaluation of the conditional
- gotranx.sympytools.ContinuousConditional(cond, true_value, false_value, sigma=1.0)[source]#
Declares a continuous conditional. Instead of a either or result the true and false values are weighted with a sigmoidal function which either evaluates to 0 or 1 instead of the true or false.
- Parameters:
cond (An InEquality conditional) – An InEquality conditional which should be evaluated
true_value (Any model expression) – Model expression for a true evaluation of the conditional
false_value (Any model expression) – Model expression for a false evaluation of the conditional
sigma (float (optional)) – Determines the sharpness of the sigmoidal function
- gotranx.sympytools.jacobi_matrix(ode) MutableDenseMatrix [source]#
Return the Jacobian matrix of the ODE
- Parameters:
ode (gotranx.ode.ODE) – The ODE
- Returns:
The Jacobian matrix of the ODE
- Return type:
- gotranx.sympytools.rhs_matrix(ode, max_tries: int = 20) MutableDenseMatrix [source]#
Return a sympy matrix of the right hand side of the ODE
- Parameters:
ode (gotranx.ode.ODE) – The ODE
max_tries (int, optional) – Maximum number of tries to try to replace the symbols, by default 20
- Returns:
A sympy matrix of the right hand side of the ODE
- Return type:
- Raises:
RuntimeError – If the maximum number of tries is reached
- gotranx.sympytools.states_matrix(ode) MutableDenseMatrix [source]#
Return a sympy matrix of the states in the ODE
- Parameters:
ode (gotranx.ode.ODE) – The ODE
- Returns:
A sympy matrix of the states in the ODE
- Return type:
- class gotranx.transformer.TreeToODE(visit_tokens: bool = True)[source]#
Transform a lark tree to an ODE
See https://lark-parser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/recipes.html for more information on how to use lark transformers.
- expressions(s) tuple[Assignment, ...] [source]#
Convert a list of expressions to atoms.Assignment
- ode(s) LarkODE [source]#
Convert a lark tree to an ODE
- Parameters:
s (list[Any]) – List of objects that could by states, parameters or assignments
- Returns:
A tuple of components and comments
- Return type:
- gotranx.transformer.find_assignments(s: Tree | Token | None, components: tuple[str, ...]) list[Assignment] [source]#
Find assignments in a tree
- Parameters:
s (lark.Tree | lark.lexer.Token | None) – The tree
components (tuple[str, ...]) – List of components
- Returns:
List of assignments
- Return type:
- gotranx.transformer.find_components(s: list[None | Tree | Token]) tuple[int, tuple[str, ...]] [source]#
Find components in a list
- Parameters:
s (list[None | lark.tree.Tree | lark.lexer.Token]) – The list
- Returns:
The index and the components
- Return type:
tuple[int, tuple[str, …]]
- gotranx.transformer.get_unit_and_comment_from_assignment(s: Tree) tuple[str | None, Comment | None] [source]#
Get the unit and comment from an assignment
- Parameters:
s (lark.Tree) – The tree
- Returns:
The unit and comment
- Return type:
tuple[str | None, atoms.Comment | None]
- gotranx.transformer.lark_list_to_parameters(s: list[None | Tree | Token], cls: type[T]) tuple[T, ...] [source]#
Convert a list of lark trees to parameters
- Parameters:
s (list[None | lark.tree.Tree | lark.lexer.Token]) – The list
cls (type[T]) – The class of the parameters
- Returns:
The parameters
- Return type:
tuple[T, …]
- gotranx.transformer.remove_quotes(s: str) str [source]#
Remove quotes from a string
- Parameters:
s (str) – The string
- Returns:
The string without quotes
- Return type:
- gotranx.transformer.tree2parameter(s: Tree, components: tuple[str, ...], cls: type[T]) T [source]#
Convert a lark tree to a parameter
- Parameters:
s (lark.Tree) – The tree
components (tuple[str, ...]) – The components
cls (type[T]) – The class of the parameter
- Returns:
The parameter
- Return type:
- Raises:
exceptions.UnknownTreeTypeError – If the tree type is unknown
- gotranx.cli.gotran2c.get_code(ode: ODE, scheme: list[Scheme] | None = None, format: Format = Format.clang_format, remove_unused: bool = False, missing_values: dict[str, int] | None = None, delta: float = 1e-08, stiff_states: list[str] | None = None) str [source]#
Generate the Python code for the ODE
- Parameters:
ode (gotranx.ode.ODE) – The ODE
scheme (list[Scheme] | None, optional) – Optional numerical scheme, by default None
format (gotranx.codegen.python.Format, optional) – The formatter, by default gotranx.codegen.python.Format.black
remove_unused (bool, optional) – Remove unused variables, by default False
missing_values (dict[str, int] | None, optional) – Missing values, by default None
delta (float, optional) – Delta value for the rush larsen schemes, by default 1e-8
stiff_states (list[str] | None, optional) – Stiff states, by default None. Only applicable for the hybrid rush larsen scheme
- Returns:
The C code
- Return type:
- gotranx.cli.gotran2py.get_code(ode: ODE, scheme: list[Scheme] | None = None, format: Format = Format.black, remove_unused: bool = False, missing_values: dict[str, int] | None = None, delta: float = 1e-08, stiff_states: list[str] | None = None, backend: Backend = Backend.numpy, shape: Shape = Shape.dynamic) str [source]#
Generate the Python code for the ODE
- Parameters:
ode (gotranx.ode.ODE) – The ODE
scheme (list[Scheme] | None, optional) – Optional numerical scheme, by default None
format (gotranx.codegen.python.Format, optional) – The formatter, by default gotranx.codegen.python.Format.black
remove_unused (bool, optional) – Remove unused variables, by default False
missing_values (dict[str, int] | None, optional) – Missing values, by default None
delta (float, optional) – Delta value for the rush larsen schemes, by default 1e-8
stiff_states (list[str] | None, optional) – Stiff states, by default None. Only applicable for the hybrid rush larsen scheme
backend (Backend, optional) – The backend, by default Backend.numpy
shape (Shape, optional) – The shape of the output arrays, by default Shape.dynamic
- Returns:
The Python code
- Return type:
- class gotranx.codegen.CCodeGenerator(ode: ODE, format: Format = Format.clang_format, remove_unused: bool = False)[source]#
- class gotranx.codegen.CodeGenerator(ode: ODE, remove_unused: bool = False, shape: Shape = Shape.dynamic)[source]#
- initial_parameter_values(name='parameters') str [source]#
Generate code for initializing parameter values
- Parameters:
name (str, optional) – The name of the variable, by default “parameters”
- Returns:
The generated code
- Return type:
- initial_state_values(name='states') str [source]#
Generate code for initializing state values
- Parameters:
name (str, optional) – The name of the variable, by default “states”
- Returns:
The generated code
- Return type:
- monitor_values(order: RHSArgument | str = RHSArgument.tsp, use_cse=False) str [source]#
Generate code for the right hand side of the ODE
- Parameters:
order (RHSArgument | str, optional) – The order of the arguments, by default RHSArgument.tsp
use_cse (bool, optional) – Use common subexpression elimination, by default False
- Returns:
The generated code
- Return type:
- rhs(order: RHSArgument | str = RHSArgument.tsp, use_cse=False) str [source]#
Generate code for the right hand side of the ODE
- Parameters:
order (RHSArgument | str, optional) – The order of the arguments, by default RHSArgument.tsp
use_cse (bool, optional) – Use common subexpression elimination, by default False
- Returns:
The generated code
- Return type:
- scheme(f: scheme_func, order=SchemeArgument.stdp, **kwargs) str [source]#
Generate code for the scheme
- Parameters:
f (schemes.scheme_func) – Function for generating the scheme
order (SchemeArgument | str, optional) – The order of the arguments, by default SchemeArgument.stdp
kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the scheme function
- Returns:
The generated code
- Return type:
- class gotranx.codegen.Func(arguments, states, parameters, values, values_type, return_name, num_return_values, post_function_signature)[source]#
- arguments: list[str]#
Alias for field number 0
- num_return_values: int#
Alias for field number 6
- parameters: IndexedBase#
Alias for field number 2
- post_function_signature: str#
Alias for field number 7
- return_name: str#
Alias for field number 5
- states: IndexedBase#
Alias for field number 1
- values: IndexedBase#
Alias for field number 3
- values_type: str#
Alias for field number 4
- class gotranx.codegen.JuliaCodeGenerator(ode: ODE, remove_unused: bool = False, type_stable: bool = False)[source]#
- class gotranx.codegen.PythonCodeGenerator(ode: ODE, format: Format = Format.black, *args, **kwargs)[source]#
- class gotranx.codegen.base.CodeGenerator(ode: ODE, remove_unused: bool = False, shape: Shape = Shape.dynamic)[source]#
- initial_parameter_values(name='parameters') str [source]#
Generate code for initializing parameter values
- Parameters:
name (str, optional) – The name of the variable, by default “parameters”
- Returns:
The generated code
- Return type:
- initial_state_values(name='states') str [source]#
Generate code for initializing state values
- Parameters:
name (str, optional) – The name of the variable, by default “states”
- Returns:
The generated code
- Return type:
- monitor_values(order: RHSArgument | str = RHSArgument.tsp, use_cse=False) str [source]#
Generate code for the right hand side of the ODE
- Parameters:
order (RHSArgument | str, optional) – The order of the arguments, by default RHSArgument.tsp
use_cse (bool, optional) – Use common subexpression elimination, by default False
- Returns:
The generated code
- Return type:
- rhs(order: RHSArgument | str = RHSArgument.tsp, use_cse=False) str [source]#
Generate code for the right hand side of the ODE
- Parameters:
order (RHSArgument | str, optional) – The order of the arguments, by default RHSArgument.tsp
use_cse (bool, optional) – Use common subexpression elimination, by default False
- Returns:
The generated code
- Return type:
- scheme(f: scheme_func, order=SchemeArgument.stdp, **kwargs) str [source]#
Generate code for the scheme
- Parameters:
f (schemes.scheme_func) – Function for generating the scheme
order (SchemeArgument | str, optional) – The order of the arguments, by default SchemeArgument.stdp
kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the scheme function
- Returns:
The generated code
- Return type:
- class gotranx.codegen.base.Func(arguments, states, parameters, values, values_type, return_name, num_return_values, post_function_signature)[source]#
- arguments: list[str]#
Alias for field number 0
- num_return_values: int#
Alias for field number 6
- parameters: IndexedBase#
Alias for field number 2
- post_function_signature: str#
Alias for field number 7
- return_name: str#
Alias for field number 5
- states: IndexedBase#
Alias for field number 1
- values: IndexedBase#
Alias for field number 3
- values_type: str#
Alias for field number 4
- class gotranx.templates.Template(*args, **kwargs)[source]#
- static init_parameter_values(name: str, parameter_values: list[float], parameter_names: list[str], code: str) str [source]#
The init_parameter_values function is a function that initializes the parameter values of the model.
The function typically return an array of the parameter values, or in the case of C code, it takes a pointer to the array of parameter values and initializes the values in place.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the return variable
parameter_values (list[float]) – Default values for the parameters
parameter_names (list[str]) – The names of the parameters
code (str) – Additional code to be inserted into the function
- Returns:
The code for the init_parameter_values function
- Return type:
- static init_state_values(name: str, state_values: list[float], state_names: list[str], code: str) str [source]#
The init_state_values function is a function that initializes the state values of the model.
The function typically return an array of the state values, or in the case of C code, it takes a pointer to the array of state values and initializes the values in place.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the return variable
state_values (list[float]) – Default values for the states
state_names (list[str]) – The names of the states
code (str) – Additional code to be inserted into the function
- Returns:
The code for the init_state_values function
- Return type:
- static method(name: str, args: str, states: str, parameters: str, values: str, return_name: str | None, num_return_values: int, shape_info: str, values_type: str, missing_variables: str, post_function_signature: str) str [source]#
The method function is a function that generates a method for the model.
One example of a method is the right-hand side of the ODE, which calculates the derivatives of the states. Another example is the monitor values, which calculates the values of the monitors. All the different numerical schemes are also examples of methods.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of the method
args (str) – The arguments of the method
states (str) – The code for assigning the states
parameters (str) – The code for assigning the parameters
values (str) – The code for assigning the values
return_name (str | None) – The name of the return variable
num_return_values (int) – The number of return values
shape_info (str) – The shape information of the return values
values_type (str) – The type of the values
missing_variables (str) – The code for handling missing variables
post_function_signature (str) – The code going after the function signature (e.g. ‘where T’ or ‘-> None’)
- Returns:
The code for the method
- Return type:
- static missing_index(data: dict[str, int]) str [source]#
The missing_index function is a function that returns the index of the missing value with the given name.
A missing value is a variable that is not part of the state or parameter but is used in the right-hand side of the ODE. This typically happens when the model is not fully defined, and some variables are missing, for example when you split an ODE into two sub-models and variables needs to be passed between them.
- Parameters:
data (dict[str, int]) – The data containing the missing value names and their indexes
- Returns:
The code for the missing_index function
- Return type:
- static monitor_index(data: dict[str, int]) str [source]#
The monitor_index function is a function that returns the index of the monitor with the given name.
A monitor is a variable that is not part of the state or parameter but is used to monitor the simulation. For example, in a cardiac cell models, different currents across the membrane are examples of monitors.
- Parameters:
data (dict[str, int]) – The data containing the monitor names and their indexes
- Returns:
The code for the monitor_index function
- Return type:
- static parameter_index(data: dict[str, int]) str [source]#
The parameter_index function is a function that returns the index of the parameter with the given name.
- Parameters:
data (dict[str, int]) – The data containing the parameter names and their indexes
- Returns:
The code for the parameter_index function
- Return type:
- static state_index(data: dict[str, int]) str [source]#
The state_index function is a function that returns the index of the state with the given name.
- Parameters:
data (dict[str, int]) – The data containing the state names and their indexes
- Returns:
The code for the state_index function
- Return type:
Python template for code generation
- gotranx.templates.python.acc(all_values: str, next_value: str = '# ') str [source]#
Accumulate values in a string
- Parameters:
all_values (str) – The accumulated values
next_value (str) – The next value to add
- Returns:
The accumulated values
- Return type:
- gotranx.templates.python.init_parameter_values(name, parameter_names, parameter_values, code)[source]#
The init_parameter_values function is a function that initializes the parameter values of the model.
The function typically return an array of the parameter values, or in the case of C code, it takes a pointer to the array of parameter values and initializes the values in place.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the return variable
parameter_values (list[float]) – Default values for the parameters
parameter_names (list[str]) – The names of the parameters
code (str) – Additional code to be inserted into the function (not used in this template)
- Returns:
The code for the init_parameter_values function
- Return type:
- gotranx.templates.python.init_state_values(name, state_names, state_values, code)[source]#
The init_state_values function is a function that initializes the state values of the model.
The function typically return an array of the state values, or in the case of C code, it takes a pointer to the array of state values and initializes the values in place.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the return variable
state_values (list[float]) – Default values for the states
state_names (list[str]) – The names of the states
code (str) – Additional code to be inserted into the function (not used in this template)
- Returns:
The code for the init_state_values function
- Return type:
- gotranx.templates.python.method(name, args, states, parameters, values, return_name: str, num_return_values: int, nan_to_num: bool = False, values_type: str = 'numpy.zeros_like(states, dtype=numpy.float64)', shape_info: str = '', missing_variables: str = '', **kwargs)[source]#
The method function is a function that generates a method for the model.
One example of a method is the right-hand side of the ODE, which calculates the derivatives of the states. Another example is the monitor values, which calculates the values of the monitors. All the different numerical schemes are also examples of methods.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of the method
args (str) – The arguments of the method
states (str) – The code for assigning the states
parameters (str) – The code for assigning the parameters
values (str) – The code for assigning the values
return_name (str | None) – The name of the return variable
num_return_values (int) – The number of return values
shape_info (str) – The shape information of the return values
values_type (str) – The type of the values
missing_variables (str) – The code for handling missing variables
nan_to_num (bool) – If True, the return values are passed through numpy.nan_to_num with nan=0.0
- Returns:
The code for the method
- Return type:
- gotranx.templates.python.missing_index(data: dict[str, int]) str [source]#
The missing_index function is a function that returns the index of the missing value with the given name.
A missing value is a variable that is not part of the state or parameter but is used in the right-hand side of the ODE. This typically happens when the model is not fully defined, and some variables are missing, for example when you split an ODE into two sub-models and variables needs to be passed between them.
- Parameters:
data (dict[str, int]) – The data containing the missing value names and their indexes
- Returns:
The code for the missing_index function
- Return type:
- gotranx.templates.python.monitor_index(data: dict[str, int]) str [source]#
The monitor_index function is a function that returns the index of the monitor with the given name.
A monitor is a variable that is not part of the state or parameter but is used to monitor the simulation. For example, in a cardiac cell models, different currents across the membrane are examples of monitors.
- Parameters:
data (dict[str, int]) – The data containing the monitor names and their indexes
- Returns:
The code for the monitor_index function
- Return type:
- gotranx.templates.python.parameter_index(data: dict[str, int]) str [source]#
The parameter_index function is a function that returns the index of the parameter with the given name.
- Parameters:
data (dict[str, int]) – The data containing the parameter names and their indexes
- Returns:
The code for the parameter_index function
- Return type:
- gotranx.templates.python.state_index(data: dict[str, int]) str [source]#
The state_index function is a function that returns the index of the state with the given name.
- Parameters:
data (dict[str, int]) – The data containing the state names and their indexes
- Returns:
The code for the state_index function
- Return type: