Week 7#

Object-oriented programming in C++#

Part A) Cartesian and polar coordinates#

Defining structs#

a) Create a struct that represents a point in the plane in cartesian coordinates:

\[\vec{r} = (x, y).\]

b) Create a struct that represents a point in the plane in polar coordinates.

\[\vec{r} = (r, \theta).\]

Translating between coordinate systems#

c) Create a function cart2polar that takes in a point defined in cartesian coordinates, and returns the same point in polar coordinates. To do this, you will need some trigonometric functions, which you can include from the <cmath> standard header.

d) Create the inverse function, polar2cart.

e) Test your function by converting some points by hand, and making sure your functions act as intended. Then verify that using both functions:


gives the same vector as the original.

Transforming vectors#

We now define two operations we can do on these vectors. First we define scaling as the operation that changes the length of the vector, but not its orientation. In polar coordinate this means \(r\) is changed, but not \(\theta\):

\[\mbox{scale}(\vec {r}, s) = (r\cdot s, \theta).\]

f) Implement a function scale that takes in a point defined in polar coordinates and returns a scaled variant.

In Cartesian coordinates, the scale operation is given by scaling \(x\) and \(y\) by the same factor:

\[\mbox{scale}(\vec {r}, s) = (x\cdot s, y\cdot s).\]

g) Overload the scale function, so that it also correctly scales input in cartesian coordinates.

Next we define the rotate operation, which changes the orientation (\(\theta\)), but not the length \(r\). In polar coordinates, this operation is given as

\[\mbox{rotate}(\vec {r}, \omega) = (r, \theta + \omega).\]

While in Cartesian coordinates, it is a bit more complicated

\[\begin{split}\mbox{rotate}(\vec {r}, \omega) = \begin{bmatrix} \cos(\omega) & -\sin(\omega) \\ \sin(\omega) & \cos(\omega) \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} x \\ y \end{bmatrix}.\end{split}\]

h) Implement the rotate function. Use function overloading so that it can take either struct as input.

Part B) Affine Transforms#

In 2D an affine transform can be written as $\(f(x, y) = \begin{bmatrix} a & b \\ c & d\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}x \\ y\end{bmatrix} + \begin{bmatrix}e \\ f\end{bmatrix}.\)$

a) Define a class AffineTransform that stores the six parameters \(a, \ldots, f\) as private variables in the class.

b) Define a constructor for the class that takes all six parameters in.

c) Also make it possible to only send in the four first (\(a, b, c, d\)) in, in which case the last two should default to 0. You can do this either by overloading the constructor, or by using default arguments.

d) Define a method to evaluate \(f(x, y)\). You will need to create a struct of some sort to output your results.

Part C) A Class for Polynomials#

In this exercise, you will implement a class to represent a general Polynomial, much like you did in Python for E2.

To store the coefficients of the polynomial-object in Python, we used a dictionary. In C++, the data type most like a dictionary is the map. Before you turn to actually defining the class, let us first get familiar with the map data type.

First of, when creating a map object, you must specify what type the keys should be, and what type the values should be, like so:

map<int, int> partners;
map<string, double> params;
map<int, string> students;

After creating the variable, you can use it in the same way as in Python, by indexing with the key:

partners[2] = 4;
params["friction"] = 0.4;
students[147] = "John Doe";

You can iterate over a dictionary as follows:

for (pair<string, double> element : params)
    cout << element.first;
    cout << " -> ";
    cout << element.second;
    cout << endl;

Here, we loop over the dictionary, and the values are stored in a pair data type, to get the key access the .first attribute, while the value will be in .second.

Now it’s time to make the class.

a) Define a Polynomial class that represents a general polynomial:

\[f(x) = \sum_{n=0}^\infty a_n x^n.\]

The class should store the coefficients \(a_n\) as a private map variable.

b) Define a constructor for the class that takes the coefficients in as a map.

c) Define a method evaluate(double x), that returns f(x).

d) Define a method print that prints out the Polynomial in a pretty and readable way.

e) Verify that your class works by creating the polynomial

\[f(x) = x^{10} - 5x^5 + 1,\]

and computing the values for \(x=-2, 0, 2\) by hand and comparing.

More exercises#

If you have finished all the exercises for this week, but want to do more. Take a look at this weeks challenge. If you want even more, feel free to send me an email (jonas@simula.no), and I will happily share more.