Functional programming in Python#

Throughout this material, we have talked a lot about object-oriented programming, which is all about making classes. We will now introduce another programming paradigm called functional programming. In this paradigm, functions are the primary building block.

Many programming languages are considered either object-oriented or functional. However, both paradigms can be used in Python. Being proficient in both object-oriented and functional programming will help improve one’s coding skills. We will not argue that one paradigm is better than the other. It is a matter of preference.

Functions as arguments to functions#

In Python, functions are first class objects, meaning they can be treated as variables and be passed to other functions. Consider the following example

def square(x):
    return x * x

def map_func_over_list(func, lst):
    return [func(x) for x in lst]

y = [1, 2, 3]
z = map_func_over_list(square, y)

print(f"{y = }")
print(f"{z = }")
y = [1, 2, 3]
z = [1, 4, 9]

The function map_func_over_list takes in a function and a list as arguments and returns a new list where the function is applied to each element. Being able to pass functions as arguments to other functions is a very powerful idea! In fact, the function map_func_over_list is already a built-in function in Python called map

print(list(map(square, y)))
[1, 4, 9]

Higher-order functions#

A higher-order function is a fancy name for a function that takes another function as an argument. One example is the map function, as described above.

Pure functions#

A pure function is a function that always returns the same value if the given argument is the same. One example is the square function. If the same argument (x) is passed twice, e.g.,

y = square(x)
z = square(x)

y is always going to be equal to z. Hence square is a pure function.

What would be an example of a non-pure function?

Any function that depends on the program’s state will not be a pure function. Instance methods in a class are typically not pure (but they can be). Here is a simple example of a function that is not pure

import datetime

def compute_age_this_year_unpure(year_born):
    return - year_born

If we compute the following

year_born = 1999
y = compute_age_this_year_unpure(year_born)
z = compute_age_this_year_unpure(year_born)

Can we make this function pure? Of course, we just have to pass in the current year as a year_today argument

def compute_age_this_year_pure(year_born, year_today):
    return year_today - year_born

year_born = 1999
year_today =
y = compute_age_this_year_pure(year_born, year_today)
z = compute_age_this_year_pure(year_born, year_today)

Will y and z be equal in this case? Yes!

Why are pure functions nice?#

There are several reasons why pure functions are useful. One reason is that they are much easier to test. If we want to test compute_age_this_year_pure it would be straight-forward, e.g.,

def test_compute_age_this_year_pure():
    assert compute_age_this_year_pure(2000, 2022) == 22

Testing the unpure function is much more challenging. One would need to apply an advanced technique called mocking, which is not covered in this material.

Another nice thing about pure functions is that we can use memoization to increase performance. The idea behind memoization is to store the argument and the function’s returned value in storage. The memorized value can be returned if the function is called with the same argument twice. We will look at this later in this section after we have covered Scope of names and namespaces.

Names, Namespaces and Scope#

  • We constantly define new names for variables, functions and classes and import numerous others from modules and packages.

  • It would be impossible to keep track of all the names used throughout an extensive program and all its imports.

  • Potential name conflicts are resolved using the concepts of namespaces and scope.

Python namespaces#

A namespace is simply a mapping from names to objects. Names should uniquely define an object within a single namespace, but objects in different namespaces may have the same name. A real-world analogy is license plate numbers for cars. The license plate uniquely identifies a car in Norway, but a car can have the same number combination in Denmark. The two countries define different namespaces, and to uniquely identify a car, one needs to know both the namespace and local name. An example closer to the programming world is a file system directory. Each directory defines a local namespace, so two files having identical names but stored in different directories are uniquely identified.

In Python, namespaces are created dynamically as objects are created. A namespace containing all the built-in Python names is created when Python starts and is never deleted. Similarly, all variables created in the top-level script exist in the global namespace (__main__). Each module has its own global namespace, which exists until Python ends. A class definition creates a new namespace local to that class. Since a class definition is usually not deleted, this namespace also exists until we end Python. Every time a class instance is created, a new local namespace is created, which is deleted when the object is deleted. When a function is called, it creates a new local namespace, which exists until the function is done executing.

We access names in different namespaces using the standard dot notation, as in math.exp, numpy.array, Sphere.from_volume and p.Name. If the dot notation is not used, Python will search for the name according to a predefined set of rules, starting with the local namespace and moving up the hierarchy of more “global” namespaces. See the discussion of scope below for a more precise definition.

If Python namespaces are understood, the difference between the various ways to import modules becomes quite clear.

import numpy

will create a new namespace with the name numpy, containing all the variable and function names defined in the numpy module. The statement

import numpy as np

does the same thing but gives the name np to the new namespace. Prefixing with np. gives access to all the names defined by the module. On the other hand, the statement

from numpy import *

will not create a new namespace but instead imports all the names defined by NumPy into the current global namespace. This makes the names directly accessible without prefixing and creates the potential for name conflicts. To see the difference, call the function dir() in an interactive Python window. This function returns a list of names currently available in the local namespace and the names of all the existing namespaces. After checking the output of dir(), import NumPy using the different approaches and call the function again.

Scope of names and namespaces#

A variable’s scope is the part of the program where a variable name is accessible. When a Python program is running, there are several nested scopes in which the variable names are directly accessible, i.e., whose namespaces are searched automatically (without the need to prefix). The namespace search priority is

  • The local (innermost) scope includes the local variables defined inside a function and all parameters passed to a function.

  • The local scope of all enclosing functions. This can happen if a function is defined inside another function.

  • The global scope of the module or program, i.e., variables and function names defined at the top level of the program.

  • The global namespace of Python built-in names.

Variables in Python are local by default. If a variable is declared inside a function, the variable does not exist when the function is finished executing. Technically, the variable name is defined in the local namespace of the function, and this namespace is deleted when the function is done executing

def pancake_area():
    pi = 3.14159
    r = 15

    return pi * r**2


# print(r)  #Will not work since r does not exist outside function

If a global variable with the same name exists, it can be used inside a function.

pi = 3.14159
r = 10

def pancake_area():
    return pi * r**2  # here both pi and r are global


We can also create a new local variable inside the function, which will overwrite the variable in the global scope.

pi = 3.14159
r = 10

def pancake_area():
    r = 15  # creates a new local variable
    return pi * r**2  # here r is local, pi is global


print(r)  # prints the global r

Now, here comes a mysterious error. Let us try to change the global variable in the function, decrement it by 5 and then use that value

pi = 3.14159
r = 10

def pancake_area():
    r -= 5  # Try to decrement the global variable (DOES NOT WORK!)

    return pi * r**2  # here r is local, pi is global

UnboundLocalError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[8], line 11
      6     r -= 5  # Try to decrement the global variable (DOES NOT WORK!)
      8     return pi * r**2  # here r is local, pi is global
---> 11 print(pancake_area())

Cell In[8], line 6, in pancake_area()
      5 def pancake_area():
----> 6     r -= 5  # Try to decrement the global variable (DOES NOT WORK!)
      8     return pi * r**2

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'r' referenced before assignment

We get

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'r' referenced before assignment

Why? This is because we are trying to change a value in the local scope, but there is no variable with the name r defined in the local scope (only in the global scope). The rule of thumb is that changing a value can only be done in the scope where the variable is defined.

The locals and globals dictionaries#

We can access the global and local variables with the built-in functions globals() and locals(), which return dictionaries of the available names

# print(globals()) #gives lots of output (all the names defined so far)
# print(locals()) #same output since we are in the global scope

print(locals() == globals())  # should return True

def tiny_function():
    a = 1
    b = 1.5
    # print the variables in the local scope:
    return a + b

# look up a name in the globals dictionary:

<function tiny_function at 0x7fe868f2f490>
{'a': 1, 'b': 1.5}

It is even possible to add variables to the global scope by adding them to the globals dictionary. For example, c is not defined, so let us put it in the globals dictionary

globals()["c"] = 0

This is not recommended, but it is useful to know how it works.

The output from locals() is similar to that of dir(), which, when called without arguments, will return a list of valid names in the current local scope. However, while dir returns a list of names, locals() gives a dictionary of variable names and values. As described above, there may be several nested scopes, but locals() will always return the names of the innermost local scope, and globals() will return the names of variables defined in the outermost global scope.


Suppose one sticks to the general coding practice of passing variables as arguments and return values. In that case, one rarely needs to think about how Python searches its namespaces or how names are transferred from one namespace to another. However, one particular example worth knowing and frequently used by Python programmers is known as closure. Consider the example of a function that uses some parameters, which can be implemented as a class with a __call__ special method

class ThrowClass:
    def __init__(self, v0):
        self.v0 = v0
        self.g = 9.81

    def __call__(self, t):
        return self.v0 * t - 0.5 * self.g * t**2

throw1 = ThrowClass(v0=5.0)

for i in range(5):
    t = i * 0.05
    print(f"{t:.2f} {throw1(t):.2f}")
0.00 0.00
0.05 0.24
0.10 0.45
0.15 0.64
0.20 0.80

An alternative implementation, which many will consider more “Pythonic”, avoids the class concept completely

def throw_fun(v0):
    g = 9.81

    def height(t):
        return v0 * t - 0.5 * g * t**2

    return height

throw2 = throw_fun(5.0)

for i in range(5):
    t = i * 0.05
    print(f"{t:.2f} {throw2(t):.2f}")
0.00 0.00
0.05 0.24
0.10 0.45
0.15 0.64
0.20 0.80

What happens here is that when the function throw_fun is called, it defines a local namespace containing v0 and g. The function height will search this namespace for variable names that it cannot find in its local namespace. The magic happens when the throw_fun function returns a height function (note that the function itself is returned, not the result of the function call). Now, the returned function will remember the namespace defined by the outer function, even after throw_fun is finished executing. This namespace is locked to the function object throw2, and even if we create a new global v0 variable, all calls to throw2 will use the value 5.0.

There is also a function called partial from the functools library, which returns a partial function where some of the arguments are set

from functools import partial

def throw_fun(v0, t, g=9.81):
    return v0 * t - 0.5 * g * t**2

# Sets the first argument (i.e v0) to 5.0
throw3 = partial(throw_fun, 5.0)

for i in range(5):
    t = i * 0.05
    print(f"{t:.2f} {throw3(t):.2f}")
0.00 0.00
0.05 0.24
0.10 0.45
0.15 0.64
0.20 0.80

Timing the function#

It is often insightful to time a function’s execution. For example, consider the sum of the truncated alternating harmonic sequence, as given by

\[ \sum_{i=1}^n (-1)^{i+1} \frac{1}{i} . \]

The following function returns such a sum

def alt_h(n):
    return sum((-1) ** (i + 1) * (1 / i) for i in range(1, n + 1))

One way we could time this function is to do the following (we will see better ways of doing this later in the material)

import time

# Take the time right now
t0 = time.time()
# Call the function
# Print the difference between the time now and the time before
print(f"Elapsed time {time.time() - t0}")
Elapsed time 0.05012059211730957

A cleaner way to do this would be to create a function timed_func that takes in another function, f, as an argument. Then we declare a third function, new_f, that calls f and measures the elapsed time. This is best explained with the following code.

def timed_func(f):
    # Takes the function we want to time as input

    # Now create a new function (assume it only takes one argument - similar to alt_h)
    def new_f(n):
        t0 = time.time()
        # Call the function
        # Print the difference between the time now and the time before
        print(f"Elapsed time {time.time() - t0}")

    # Return the new timed function
    return new_f

Now we can first create a version of the alt_h function and use that instead

timed_alt_h = timed_func(alt_h)
Elapsed time 0.0498809814453125

We have now created a decorator, which has been discussed several times in this material.

A decorator is a function that takes another function as an argument and returns a new (decorated) function. In this case, the “decoration” prints the time it takes to run the function.

We can now write the function like this instead

def alt_h_v2(n):
    return sum((-1) ** (i + 1) * (1 / i) for i in range(1, n + 1))

and this should be equivalent to timed_alt_h that we created above, but we do not need to go through all the hassle of creating a new function

Elapsed time 0.05138063430786133


Let us go back to the pure functions we discussed at the beginning of this section and see how we can apply memoization to speed up the performance. Consider a classic use case of memoization, the recursive Fibonacci function.

def fib(n):
    print(f"Computing fib({n})")
    if n == 0:
        return 0
    if n == 1:
        return 1
    return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)

This function seems pretty expensive to run for large numbers. Let us try to run this function with n = 5 and see what is printed.

Computing fib(5)
Computing fib(4)
Computing fib(3)
Computing fib(2)
Computing fib(1)
Computing fib(0)
Computing fib(1)
Computing fib(2)
Computing fib(1)
Computing fib(0)
Computing fib(3)
Computing fib(2)
Computing fib(1)
Computing fib(0)
Computing fib(1)

Since fib is a pure function, it is perfect for memoization. We will do this by wrapping it into another function where we store the values in a dictionary.

def memoize(f):

    # Create a dictionary to store the values
    storage = {}

    def wrap(n):
        if n not in storage:
            # The value is not been computed yet
            # So lets compute it and put it in the storage
            storage[n] = f(n)
        return storage[n]

    return wrap

Since memoize is a decorator, it can be applied to fib.

def fib(n):
    print(f"Computing fib({n})")
    if n == 0:
        return 0
    if n == 1:
        return 1
    return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)

Let us see now how many times the fib method is called.

Computing fib(5)
Computing fib(4)
Computing fib(3)
Computing fib(2)
Computing fib(1)
Computing fib(0)

As expected, the method is called only once for each new argument. Otherwise, it uses the stored value.

Summary of scopes and namespaces#

  • Python variables are, by default, local. When a name is read, Python will first search the local namespace, then successively more “global” spaces until it finds a variable with that name.

  • A variable defined in the global scope can be accessed inside functions, but any attempt to modify it will create a new, local variable.

  • The keyword global can override the default behavior and modify global variables inside functions. However, this is bad practice that should generally be avoided.

  • To avoid name conflicts, use import statements like import math to create a new namespace for the imported module, rather than importing everything into the existing namespace with from math import *

  • The functions globals(), locals(), dir() are useful for examining existing namespaces.

  • When a function is defined inside another function, it remembers the namespace of the outer function. This technique, called closure, can be used to create parameterized functions.