Debugging in python#

Bugs are errors or a flaw in your program that makes the program not behave as expected. Debugging is the processes of finding bugs and resolving them.

Being able to quickly resolve bugs if often a skill that differentiate a senior developer from a junior developer. The senior developer has more experience and have a better understanding what might cause a bug, and would therefore know where in the code the bug most likely originates.

While this might be true, it is not always the case that the senior developer knows the codebase where the bug is, and therefore being able to utilize debugging tricks that will speed up the process of finding the bugs is often crucial.

In this section we will show you have to use a debugger in python, which is often overseen by junior developers. Learning how to use a debugger will change the way you debug programs.

Using a Debugger#

Python comes with a built in debugger called pdb which stands fro Python DeBugger. Let us see how we can use it. To illustrate the example we will try to debug the following program which we will write in a file called


def div(x, y):
    return x / y

def sub(x, n):
    return x - n

def solve(x, y):
    y2 = sub(y, 1)
    return div(x, y2)

def main():
    solve(2, 1)

if __name__ == "__main__":

If you try to run this program you will see the following error message

$ python
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/finsberg/local/src/IN1910/", line 19, in <module>
  File "/Users/finsberg/local/src/IN1910/", line 15, in main
    solve(2, 1)
  File "/Users/finsberg/local/src/IN1910/", line 11, in solve
    return div(x, y2)
  File "/Users/finsberg/local/src/IN1910/", line 2, in div
    return x / y
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero

Something is going on here, and we will try to use a debugger to find out.

Post-mortem debugging#

Post-mortem refers to “after death” and post-mortem debugging means that you will start the debugger after the program has crashed.

We can initiate a post-mortem debugging session by running the script as follows

$ python -m pdb

When you execute this command, python will start the debugger (before running your script), and it will throw you into a session that would look something like this

> /Users/finsberg/local/src/IN1910/<module>()
-> def div(x, y):

You are now inside the debugger. To run the script you can type c (or cont or continue) and you will run the script.

Now you will see something similar to this in your terminal

(Pdb) c
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/finsberg/.pyenv/versions/3.10.4/lib/python3.10/", line 1726, in main
  File "/Users/finsberg/.pyenv/versions/3.10.4/lib/python3.10/", line 1586, in _runscript
  File "/Users/finsberg/.pyenv/versions/3.10.4/lib/python3.10/", line 597, in run
    exec(cmd, globals, locals)
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/Users/finsberg/local/src/IN1910/", line 19, in <module>
  File "/Users/finsberg/local/src/IN1910/", line 15, in main
    solve(2, 1)
  File "/Users/finsberg/local/src/IN1910/", line 11, in solve
    return div(x, y2)
  File "/Users/finsberg/local/src/IN1910/", line 2, in div
    return x / y
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
Uncaught exception. Entering post mortem debugging
Running 'cont' or 'step' will restart the program
> /Users/finsberg/local/src/IN1910/
-> return x / y

Again you are inside the debugger. Now, let us ask the debugger where we are in the program by executing the command where (or bt for backtrace)

(Pdb) where
-> pdb._runscript(mainpyfile)
-> exec(cmd, globals, locals)
-> main()
-> solve(2, 1)
-> return div(x, y2)
> /Users/finsberg/local/src/IN1910/
-> return x / y

So we are at the the line 2 (see the 2 in /Users/finsberg/local/src/IN1910/ where div function returns x / y.

To see another view you can type list, which will list the code and put an arrow where you are right now

(Pdb) list
  1     def div(x, y):
  2  ->     return x / y
  5     def sub(x, n):
  6         return x - n
  9     def solve(x, y):
 10         y2 = sub(y, 1)
 11         return div(x, y2)

What else can we do? Well, we can see what arguments are defined in this scope by executing the command args

(Pdb) args
x = 2
y = 0

And we see that we have two arguments defined x which has the value 2 and y which has the value 0. You can also explicitly type these variable and the debugger will print out the value

(Pdb) x
(Pdb) y

At this point you probably have an idea on why the program failed. You are trying to divide 2 by 0, which will result in a ZeroDivisionError. However where does these values come from? To answer this, we would need to go up one level to the function that called the div function. Looking at backtrace

(Pdb) bt
-> pdb._runscript(mainpyfile)
-> exec(cmd, globals, locals)
-> main()
-> solve(2, 1)
-> return div(x, y2)
> /Users/finsberg/local/src/IN1910/
-> return x / y

we see that div was called from solve. Would it be possible to jump up one level to the solve method? Yes! Let us execute the up command

(Pdb) up
> /Users/finsberg/local/src/IN1910/
-> return div(x, y2)

Now, type list again

(Pdb) list
  6         return x - n
  9     def solve(x, y):
 10         y2 = sub(y, 1)
 11  ->     return div(x, y2)
 14     def main():
 15         solve(2, 1)

and we see that the arrow has now moved to the solve method. Let’s look at the arguments

(Pdb) args
x = 2
y = 1

and we see that y is 1. However if we type y2 we see that it is zero

(Pdb) y2

Anther useful command is interact

(Pdb) interact

which will start and interactive python session.

Finally to exit the debugger you hit q, quit or Ctrl+D.

This was just a taste of what you can do with a debugger. Executing the command help will show you all the commands you have available in the debugger.

Adding a breakpoint#

If you know where in the program you want to start the debugger, you can add something called a breakpoint. For example let us add a breakpoint inside the sub method by modifying the code as follows

def sub(x, n):
    return x - n

Now you can run python in a normal way (i.e without the -m pdb flag)

$ python
> /Users/finsberg/local/src/IN1910/
-> return x - n

We see that it started the debugger at the point where we set the breakpoint. Again you move around and print the arguments and variables.

Using an improved debugger#

The built in debugger in python is very basic. Therefore, it might be a good idea to upgrade the debugger to a more developer friendly debugger. My recommendation is to use pdb++. If you install this debugger

python -m pip install pdbpp

python will use this debugger by default. This will add syntax highlighting and tab completion to your debugger which is much nicer to work with. Using pdb++ in stead of pdb would be similar of using IPython instead of regular Python.